8 - Ride

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A/N: I attached a song to listen to while you read if you want. It kinda sorta, I think? Fits. Meh. I just wanted to put it in, it's been stuck in my head... Anyways... Read away.

Natasha POV

I'm in the jet now, wondering if I can handle this by myself. What if they're prepared for me? What if they capture me? What then? Wait and see I suppose but- No. I have to do this. It's my duty to do this, after all I've done...

I shut my eyes throughout the journey and ride in silence. Thinking. I've realised that, I've been thinking too much lately. I need to just focus and get it done. But it's hard. When you live. You feel more free, thinking that you have destroyed the organisation that took your childhood away, brainwashed you into submission and tortured you to the brink of death. You tend to feel that. But now, they're back. There is no freedom anymore, just bondage, fear, the feeling of lost. I was foolish, thinking that I had gotten rid of that filthy organisation but no. I didn't. I wasn't wise, wasn't aware. And now, it's going to come back and haunt me.

But it's going to end. I'm not going on any more of Fury's missions until I destroy the red room once and for all and eliminate all loyal red room agents. They will pay, for what they've done to me, and what they've done to all those other girls, what they made me do.

I slowly shut my eyes and drift off to a shallow sleep.

A/N: Soz for the shortest chapter ever... I'll try to make them longer next time. My updating and chapter lengths are very unstable...

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