12- Interrogation

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A/N: Cap makes an appearance but unlike in CA:TWS, Widow doesn't know who Barnes is and Cap doesn't know Barnes is alive. Sorry if it confuses you 😭😭😭 it's an AU anyways and also, I FINALLY UPDATED 🎉🎉🎉😂

Natasha POV

Clint walks in and I greet him, then I point him to the door next to me to go in. As soon as he passes me, that's when I realise, he has no files or info on him. I trust Clint to do what he has to though and continue to watch him enter the room.

Clint POV

As I walk him I notice the 'Winter Soldier' tracking my every move. I write everything I pick up on him during the interrogation as it goes. There were things like his habit of always keeping his head down, maybe due to guilt or embarrassment but I also see a sea of confusion etched on his face that he tries to cover up. That was only walking in and sitting, now to start the questions.

"Who do you work for?" I start, simple a question but maybe enough for a person confused with everything.

"..." silence then he speaks, "I-I don't know.." he says.

Either he's a very good liar or he's really confused.

I continue asking him questions but his only replies for everything were 'I don't know' or silence,

I turn around to go out when Natasha comes in. I notice a look of surprise on the Winter Soldier when he sees Natasha's face but quickly covers it up. She stalks towards him and sits down.

Natasha POV

I walk into the room confidently and take a seat in front of him. I spend a good 10 minutes staring at him. I have a few ideas to test him, whether he's acting or he's actually as confused as a lost puppy.

"So are you gonna speak up or are am I gonna have to use some words by the KGB?" I ask.

He stays still and stares straight into my eyes.

"Well, if you don't speak up now I'm just gonna start and we'll see if you remember anything yea?"

Silence. I think I'll just say the words.

"Сильное желание (longing)" I pause to see any signs he might be giving but his face stays passive so I continue.

"Проржавевший (rusted), Семнадцать (seventeen), Рассвет (daybreak), Пе-" I say slowly until he finally speaks. Finally! I think.

"Wait. Stop... please" he mutters the last part. Oh wow, now I just have no idea what to think.

"So...you remember? You're working with/for hydra?" I question.

"...no, I don't, I left." He says.

"You can't just leave hydra" I remark.

"I obviously didn't 'just leave' hydra, I'm pretty sure you saw all the other dead bodies around there. I killed them and tried to escape... until you came," he says. Finally, some useful replies.

I walk out until I hear him say, "everything I said was the truth, I'm different now." Then, I walk off.

I walk off knowing the interrogation was recorded and Fury can just watch it himself and head back to my room. I keep walking and when in the corridor leading to my room, I see Cap.

"Oh, hey Cap, I just brought in some psycho, metal armed and apparent 'ex-KGB and ex-hydra' operative. Maybe you could give him a crack? Or just try the slightest bit? I know your interrogation skills aren't really good so...maybe as a very hard practice?" Oh wow, didn't think I'd say so much in one breath.

"Umm...yea sure Nat," he replies. I nod and go into my room.

Steve POV

After hearing Nat's request I walk towards the interrogation room and search for this 'metal armed psycho'.

I walk in, open the door and see a face I never thought I'd ever see again but it's just my imagination because it can't be.

As I walk in I stand in front of him with him staring at me...

"Bucky?" I ask as a swirl of emotions surge into me, shock, happiness, sadness, confusion and much more.

"Who the hell is Bucky?" He says coldly.

I just stand staring. It's too good to be true but..I just won't believe it isn't him.

So I just stand there, recollecting all my previous memories with whom I believe is this man in front of me.

James POV

First I see Natalia who can't recognise me and now this.

Bucky? Who's 'Bucky'. I stare down on the table in front of me avoiding this mysterious man's stare boring into my skull. I look at the eerily white table and think, as always.

Then all of a sudden the name "Steve" appear in my head.

"Steve?" I mutter uncertainly as I slowly look up to a cheerful face.

"Buck? Buck! You remember me?!" He screams. And with that, I see hundreds of different scenes with this Steve in my past. It feels like the locks in my brain holding them closed just suddenly rush out. But still not everything, just blotches.

"I- I'm not sure..." I say sincerely and quietly.

I don't like using the word "hell" but I had to use it for the reference, won't happen again 😝
Can you guys please give me some feedback about my writing and the storyline and please tell me if the story is moving too slow. Thanks! 😊

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