20. Hell is my Life

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Yes, I am such a fag that I am to busy watching Laguna Beach on Netflix to write. xD  But, I'm writing while it loads, and everytime it stops to load, so at least I'm getting some writing done.  haha.  So, 30 votes and 27 comments!(:

Chapter 20

Chapter 20

Kaitlyn and Jeydon's party was tonight, and I wasn't happy about it, at all.  All I wanted to do was pass out.  But, the party started at 8 pm, and it was already 7:30.  So, I waited upstairs on the couch, while everybody started pushing their way through the door.  All I saw was black people.  I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm not racist, but this house was full of black people.  There were only like, 10 white people.  Well, no wonder, I was in the hood.  

I danced with a couple people, and drank a couple cups of beer, but other than that, I was sitting down on the couch, bored.  I wasn't even drunk, and I didn't want to be because I didn't know any of the people here, and I didn't know what they would try with me.

I felt the couch cushion sink down beside me.  I looked over and saw Jeydon.  "Are you having a good time?"  He yelled over the music.  

I shrugged.  "I probably would be if I knew some people here."  I yelled back.

He nodded, and then looked around.  "Well, you know me, Kaitlyn, and Grant."  I nodded back, not saying anything.  "You should go entertain Grant.  He looks bored."  He pointed over to the boy sitting against a wall, his eyes closed, but it was obvious he wasn't sleeping.  As I started walking over to Grant, I suddenly wondered what Jeydon meant by 'entertain'.  I turned to ask him, but he was already gone.  So, I made my way through the crowd of dancing people, and sat next to Grant.

"Hey."  I said, loudly, trying to get his attention.  

His eyes slowly opened, and he turned his head to look at me.  "What's up, Tease?"

I laughed at his nickname.  "Nothing, I just thought you looked as bored as I was, so I figured I could come over here and talk."

"Well, you're ruining my high.  So, if you don't mind, leave."  When I didn't move, he opened his eyes again.  "Unless you're interested in what I have?"

I shrugged.  "And what is that?"

"A little of everything.  Coke, meth, weed, ecstasy."

I laughed.  "The last time I did ecstasy, it didn't turn out to well.  I made out with a random guy, and he got punched in the face by my ex boyfriend..."

A little white pill appeared in his hand, and he rolled it around in between his thumb and his index finger.  Keeping his hand there, he placed the pill on the corner of my mouth.  "That's what they do."

I opened my mouth, and he rolled the pill into my mouth.  I swallowed it, and he grinned.

"How much do I owe you for it?"  I asked, as a smirk appeared on his face.  

"Just a kiss, right there."  He pointed to his cheek.  

"Right there?"

He nodded, and I kissed his cheek.  Pulling back, pointed to his other cheek.  "And then right there."  I kissed his other cheek.  "And right there."  He pointed to his lips.  I kissed his lips, and his hand wrapped around my neck, holding me to him.  As I kissed him, I felt him stand up.  I broke the kiss, and he helped me stand up.  "Let's go outside."

We went outside, and as soon as we did, Grant pushed me up to a wall, and kissed me, hard.  

We were still kissing about 15 minutes later, when the ecstasy kicked in.  It felt amazing to kiss while I was high.  I was moaning like crazy.  He broke away and kissed my neck.  I opened my eyes... And saw Logan leaning on the porch, grinning at me.  I pushed Grant away from me, staring wide-eyed at Logan.  Grant looked at me, and then Logan.

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