Fresh Start

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I woke up early this morning and went to the store to get breakfast. I came back home and made Pancakes, Eggs, Bacon, and Grits. I had only the eggs left to scramble when Chris came down with Ciara and CJ.

"Goodmorning Liyah." She said sitting down

"Hey beautiful." I said giving her her plate

"Goodmorning bae." Chris said kissing my cheek

"Goodmorning and goodmorning CJ." I said taking CJ from Chris

"I take it I got to make my own plate." Chris said

"I miss my baby." I said giving Chris back CJ. That's one thing about CJ, in the morning he doesn't interact with anybody.

"Here's your plate child #3." I said giving Chris his plate

"Thank you." He said as the doorbell rang

"Cut his pancake up for me while I get the door." I said walking away

I opened the door to my bestfriend Keri and my brother Rashad.

"Hey Keri. I missed you." I said embracing her in a hug, "I miss you too." She said

"Hey Li Li." Rashad said hugging me

"Hey Shad. Where's Mr. Hollywood Keri?"

"On the phone with his manager."

"So he busy making a call instead of seeing me?"

"Calm down Liyah. Meet Tremaine Jr and Trent." She said

"Awwwww. I finally get to see them. How old are they?"

"Trey is 6 and Trent is 3." She said

"Little Trey and Keri's running around here."

"Where she at?" I heard Trey ask

"Hey Trey." I said

"Somebody looks upset." He said taking off his glasses

"You had me waiting Tremaine." I said trying not to laugh

"You can't be saying my name around here." He said laughing

"Give me a hug big head." I said reaching around him

"Still small and miss thing I see."

"You ain't the same from when we last saw eachother. You cut your braids and you got muscle. The Trey I remember was skinny like me."

"That's the old me. I'm a new Trey."

"Where's my nephew?" Asked Rashad

"He's in the kitchen with Chris." I said

"Nephew?" Keri question

"Chris?" Trey added

"I knew I should of told ya'll. Follow me." I said leading them to the kitchen, " Everybody. This is Chris and this is Ciara his daughter and here is CJ."

"Hey Chris." Keri said, "I'm Keri, Aaliyah's bestfriend." She said smiling

"Nice to meet you." He said shaking her hand

"I'm Rashad, Liyah's older brother."

"Sup?" Chris said

"I'm Trey. These our boys, Trey Jr and Trent."

"Oh while were all here. Momma and Daddy are having a dinner this Sunday. Momma wants everybody to come." Rashad said

"Even me?" Trey questioned

"Yes you too." Keri said hitting his chest

"Momma would love for you to come." Rashad said

"You guys hungry? I made plenty of food."

"Naw, were good." Keri said

"I'll take a plate." Said Rashad

"I'ma go take a shower." Chris said

"Daddy, can you fix my house up?" Asked Ciara

"I'll do it later. Okay?" Said Chris

"Have a seat guys." I said to Trey and Keri

"You guys can go and play." I said to TJ and Trent, while taking CJ out his high chair

"Ya'll be good. Don't do nothing you ain't suppose to do." Trey said


Later on that day

Trey and Keri had left. Trey had some interviews he had to get to. Chris was getting ready for his meeting with his boss and superiors.

While I had his cousin's JR (Not Junior) and Lamont help me unpack off the U-Haul.

"Where's Cousin Chris?" Asked Lamont

"He's at a meeting."


"Where the kids?"

"Upstairs. If you need anything guys, I'll be in the kitchen."




"Okay........ Your resumè looks very good. I really like your time you spend in the community." Said Angela, my Boss

"Yeah. My daughter is a reader and I donate money to libraries and all that. My son likes Football and Basketball."

"How old are your kids?"

"My daughter is 4 and my son is 2."

"Their mother?"

"She's at home with them now."

"Okay. Well I don't wanna hold you off any longer." She said smiling, "If you need me call my cell." She said giving me her number. This girl apparently wants me but I got Liyah and I ain't bout to mess up my relationship for someone who throws theirself out there for a quick fuck.

"Daddy.!!" My daughter Ciara ran up to me

"Hey baby. How was your day?"

"Good. Daddy can we get ice cream?"

"Sure baby. Just let Daddy change." I said putting her down


I went upstairs and Liyah and CJ were knocked. Liyah always fell asleep trying to give CJ a nap. I grabbed some jeans and my fire red 4's and then I put on a red shirt with my red Chicago Bulls snapback and then headed downstairs.

"Come on Ciara." I said as we left out


Haven't been writing this story for a minute....... To the readers that have been reading this, I apologize for not updating but since I know I have readers now, I will update this story more often.

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