Love It

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I took Ciara to get some ice cream, her favorite thing to eat. I don't see how people could live in New York, it's so confusing, but I'm willing to do anything for my little girl.

"Hello.!! Welcome to Mr. Cream's." Greeted a girl about the age of 17

"Hello. Can I get a praeline's and Creme, strawberry, and bubble gum please?"

"Sure thing." The young girl said getting our order. The ride home, Ciara kept talking about how she likes the new house and that she wants to play in the snow. When we got back, Liyah and CJ were walking up.

"Where y'all coming from?" I asked once we were in the house

"I woke up and decided to take CJ to the park since you took Ciara to get ice cream."

"Ciara, you and your brother go upstairs." I said

"What's your job like?" She asked

"Same ol. What's for dinner?"

"I don't know. I'll find something."

"I'ma go shower and then help you cook dinner."



"Babe, what are you doing?" I asked Chris who was cutting the tomato to big

"I take it I'm doing it wrong." He laughed putting the Knife down

"Let me show you baby." I said grabbing the Knife and cutting the tomatoes. We were having Spaghetti for dinner with Garlic Bread and Salad.

"Well, I take it you got it from here?" He asked

"I always got it."

"I'ma go check on the kids." He said walking off

When I finished cooking the food, I served dinner. Chris put CJ in his high chair and Ciara took a seat in her chair. We ate our food and talked about the house. As soon as dinner was done, Chris insisted on washing the dishes, while I put the kids to bed. We just sat down stares conversating over a glass of wine.

"So, I finally get to meet your parents?" Chris said

"I know. I'm nervous."


"My Daddy always scared my dates away growing up and after I while I stopped bringing boyfriends and dates around."

"Well, I ain't gonna let your Daddy scare you."

"We'll see."

"I better get to sleep. Got to be at the office early in the morning." Chris said

"What time is it?"

"Almost 11."



Short but family dinner next chapter. I will be tending to this story more often now that I only have to deal with this story and another. I've been pushing this story off but I will be updating it more often. Alot of stuff to come out at this family dinner though, so brace yourself.


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