Chapter 13

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I have been trying to find my way back to Clove for what feels like forever now. I know it has only been maybe twenty minutes since the cannons have gone off. I didn't think I could have walked this far into the woods, but who knows what I will do when I'm pissed off. This is taking way too long, Cato. Twenty minutes. A lot can happen in twenty minutes. Katniss could have gotten to Clove and here I am stuck in the woods. That could have been Clove's cannon. I should have never let my anger take over. I should have never left her side.

Thank goodness I was alone because I jumped ten feet into the air when I heard,"Tributes of the 74th Hunger Games I'd like to make an announcement." They really know how to catch us off guard in these games. "There has been a slight change in the rules. Two tributes may win the hunger games, if they come from the same district."

Am I hallucinating? Did I get stung by a tracker jacker? Two can win? Both of us can win?

Just twenty minutes ago I stormed off seeking revenge for Katniss triggering the explosions, but now hope has taken over. I actually have hope for the first time since the reaping, and we all know how dangerous hope can be.

"Two tributes may win-"
"Cato!" I yelled his name before the announcement could even finish. I was already running to find Cato after the two cannons went off. "Cato!" I yelled again. I don't even care who hears me at this point.

I feels like hours have passed. How did we get so far from each other? I know he was furious after the explosions, but I'm starting to think the worst has happened. The sun is setting and I still haven't found him. The game has given us a miracle, but what if it's too late?

A branch cracks in the distance, and I instantly freeze. The sun is setting in front of me making it difficult to see who could be ahead of me. I can see someone's shoulder poking out behind a tree not too far from where I'm standing. I reach for my knife as I mentally count who is left in the game. Could it be the District 12 boy?

The figure takes another step, and I throw my knife without hesitation. It sticks to a tree pinning my enemy by his jacket dangerously close to his shoulder. His opposite hand reaches for the knife to set himself free, but I release a second knife pinning him by his jacket sleeve. I take a few steps forward confident in my trap. As I get closer, I shield my eyes from the sun with my hand. When our eyes finally lock, I feel like I'm nine years old again standing in District 2.

"Sorry," I can feel my lips turning into a smile as we both realize that we're no longer in danger. "I didn't mean to almost hit you."

He smiles in return and repeats the response from the day we met when we were kids. "Yeah, I'm sure you meant to actually kill me." We're a long way from those two kids who met in the woods all those years ago. "I could use a little help. I want to celebrate with my girl, but I'm kinda stuck here."

I give him a quick kiss before taking my knives back. He immediately wraps his arms around me, and I finally feel safe until I feel how warm his skin is.

"Cato, you're burning up. What's going on?"

"What are you talking about? I feel fine."

I put my hands on his face that's now turning red. He kisses me again, but I can't help myself from worrying that he may have a fever.

"Clove, look!" He points to the sky where there's probably a dozen parachutes coming towards us.

"I guess the sponsors like District 2 better as a team," I say as the first gift reaches my fingertips. Being a career tribute has its perks. The first gift is a fresh loaf of bread. "Cato, is all of this food?" All of the chaos has been distracting me, but I'm now realizing how hungry I've been.

Cato opens the next gift to find a bottle of champagne sent from the Capitol. "What do you say we have a celebratory picnic?" He popped top off of the bottle, and bubbles spewed out like we were at a party.

I can't help but laugh as we continue opening all of the gifts. For a second, I felt like we were a normal couple unpacking a picnic basket as the sun sets. "Is this what life would have been like?" I asked him trying not to sound too disappointed.

"What do you mean?"

"If we weren't in the games, well if the games didn't exist actually, would you have asked me on a date? Maybe I would have dressed up, and you would bring flowers. Would we get married and have kids who wouldn't have to fight for their lives?"

"We can still have everything, Clove. When we win, I'm going to take you to the finest restaurant in District 2. We will get married, and we will be parents." His smile grew as he continued talking. "We will cook pancakes with our kids in the mornings, and we will teach them how to become better people. They will change the world, and we will grow old together in the Victors' Village." He took a sip of champagne and passed the bottle to me.

"Do you really believe that?"

I hesitated to ask the question because he looked so excited, but I also know how we were raised. You're nothing without honor in District 2. We were born to bring honor to our families, our district, and our country. I never understood where honor could be found in killing twenty-three innocent kids. I don't think Cato was looking forward to volunteering by any means, but I know he would do anything to uphold honor and fulfill his duty. He would be disowned by his family if he didn't. We have to do what's necessary to survive.

"I truly believe that we will have the life that we deserve," he says before kissing me.

I know it's possible to have a life together, but I wish we didn't have to turn into monsters to earn it.

"Cato, are you sure you're feeling okay? You're lips are freezing now."

"Maybe some champagne will help. I promise I'm fine, Clove. Let's just enjoy this."

His smile is contagious because I take a sip of champagne and convince myself to enjoy this happy feeling with Cato. We will have to fight for our lives soon enough anyway.

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