Chapter 14

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Finally, Clove and I can enjoy a human moment together. We have more food from sponsors than we could have hoped for, and we actually have a chance of going home alive. I wasn't lying to Clove when I told her that I believe we will make it out of here and live a long, happy life together. The most important thing I have learned while being in the game is that love is more valuable than honor. Love is left out of every textbook in the Academy back home, and bringing honor to District 2 is continuously over-glorified. We were mistakenly taught that the only way to earn love was to bring honor to our family, and look where it has lead us. Now that we actually have the chance, Clove and I could truly make a difference going back home. The future generations need to know that a bloodbath among children is not necessary to earn honor.

"Okay, I have one more question," Clove says before taking another sip of champagne. "We cannot ignore the fact that we have been seen on camera kissing and all of our conversations have been recorded. How are we supposed to show people that we are not copying District Twelve's act?"

I take a few more sips of champagne before answering her question, and I can feel my skin becoming warmer. I can no longer tell if it is the champagne causing the numb feeling or if Clove is right about me having a fever. Maybe it is the champagne that gives me the confidence to speak up. Before giving it a second thought, I step up onto one of the larger crates that delivered our gifts from the sponsors. I bring the champagne bottle with me and tap the top of the bottle like I'm testing a microphone. This brought a smile onto Clove's face, so I continued.

I clear my throat dramatically before announcing, "Ladies and gentlemen of Panem, you have gotten to know Clove and I individually throughout the games. I thought now would be the perfect time to share our story as a team."

I looked at Clove, and for just a second it felt like we were back home. "I fell in love with Clove the day I met her when I was ten years old."

The clouds rumbled and lightening flashed. Before I could process what was going on, rain began pouring from the sky. The cool water felt refreshing on my feverish skin.  Clove was still smiling though, so I took it as a sign to keep going.

"If you believe for one second that the District Twelve tributes are in love, then you have been fooled," My voice turned cold like the rain, and I didn't expect what would come out of my mouth next as I continued, "And if you don't think that the your precious Capitol will continue pitting neighbors and friends and loved ones against one another in an arena, then you are sadly mistaken once again."

Clove's eyes widened in shock. I could not tell if it was because of the ending to my speech or if it had anything to do with the rain turning into ice. At first it seemed like hail, but then we realized how sharp the ice was when our skin began to bleed.


"Cato!" I could not help but scream when I saw how deadly the ice actually was. "We have to go!"

He took a step off of the crate that he was standing on, and he stumbled forward almost falling to the ground. I went to hold his arm for support, but he shook me off. It's like I could see the gears turning in his head when he headed towards the now empty crates.

"We can't outrun this!" He yelled as he began detaching the parachutes from the crates that contained our gifts.

We took shelter under a large tree. He wrapped a parachute around my shoulders and gave me a crate to shield my head. I squeezed my eyes shut and tried to ignore the sound of the ice threatening to pierce my skin.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2020 ⏰

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