Chapter 9

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It was too late when I saw the tracker jacker nest falling from the sky.

"Run!" Cato yelled. "To the lake! Let's go!" We all started running towards the lake. Some tracker jackers followed us, but most of them stayed behind.

Everything happened so fast. I didn't realize what was going on until we reached the lake and Cato picked me up and jumped in. I wanted to scream at him for that, but I knew he did it to save me.

I came up to the surface of the water gasping for breath and looking for Cato, but I only saw Marvel.

"Cato!" I yelled while I was looking around for him. He was already out of the water looking for me.

"Clove, I'm right here. Give me your hand." I let him pull me out of the lake and I looked at him closely. I can see that he's badly stung near one eye. "I have to go back and look for Peeta and Katniss."

He started walking away, but I grabbed his arm. "No, Cato wait."

"I have to go, Clove. I can't let them get away. Stay here with Marvel. I'll be back."

After he disappeared in the woods I heard screams. I can't just sit here and wait.

I looked at Marvel and said,"Im going to look for Cato."



I hated leaving Clove like that but I had to go back and find Peeta and Katniss. If Katniss was still there, then there's no way I could let her get away.

"Get up! Go! Katniss, run!" I heard Peeta say when I got closer. I guess he really does love her. He wants her to be safe the same way I want Clove to be safe.

Katniss is already stumbling away as if she's drunk, but I know it must be the tracker jacker stings. I wasn't stung too badly. There's just one sting next to my eye that's making it difficult to see.

I pull out my sword and face Peeta. He's putting on a good poker face by not acting scared at all even though he knows I'm about to kill him.

"Just let her go, Cato. Go ahead and kill me, but let her go." I hate this guy. Why does he get to play the love card? We're all in the same game, but they have a slight advantage because he manned up and told Katniss he loves her. I still don't understand why I couldn't do that for Clove.

This is your chance Cato. I raise my sword and aim for his heart, but instead I cut into his leg. He yells out in pain and falls to the ground.

My first mistake was looking into his eyes and thinking about how we feel the same way. I'm sure his heart is already broken like mine. I turn around and walk back to Clove before I change my mind.

I only made it five maybe six steps before I heard my name.


It was Clove.

"Clove, what are you doing? I told you to stay with Marvel."

"Did you really think I would listen?"

"Of course not. I know you don't exactly need protecting, but I still have to try," I said putting my arm around her as we walked back to the lake.

"Next time take me with you instead of leaving me with Marvel."

"We'll see, angel."

She just rolled her eyes and moved closer to me.



Later that night when I was laying with Cato I decided it was safe to talk to him about what happened earlier.

"Cato, why did you let them go?"

He had a blank look on his face. "I was weak wasn't I?"

"Of course not. I just want to know why."

"At first I questioned whether they were really in love, but today I could see it in his eyes. Peeta is really in love with her. He told me to kill him and let Katniss go. He just wants her to be safe even if it means dying for her," Cato turned towards me and touched my face,"Clove, I love you more than life and I would do anything to keep you safe. I let Peeta go because I know exactly how he feels."

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