First Date

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Daphne's POV ~

the sun was peeking through the curtains and the annoying call of birds are disturbing my sleep. I opened my eyes and saw a different room. Then it all came flashing in me. I am Niall Horan's Girl Friend ! Oh my God! And i'm in his room !

But where is he? I looked at the clock and it said 8:00 am. "Huh. Those annoying birds woke me up. Great. Where's Niall?" I mumbled to myself as i scanneqd the light blue room. I went to the bathroom and looked at the mirror. I didn't see my reflection. No i am not a ghost.its just that there's a piece of sticky paper attached to it. I picked it up and saw Niall's hand writing. It beautiful. It read,

*Good morning beautiful! I'm out today. Go get dressed and go down stairs for breakfast.

~Niall xx'

Aww. That's so sweet! I got in the shower and rinsed my body. I used his shampoo and soap! He smells good. I mean his body products smell good. Yeah, that's what i mean. I got out and realized i don't have any clothes in his room!

I creeped out of the bathroom and in the bed was girls clothes with another paper attached to it. It read ;

*Hey babe. Forgetting something? I got this from Jim this morning. Its temporary clothes though.

~Niall xx'

What does he mean temporary clothes? Oh well. I grabbed the clothes and changed into them. It was a plain white V-neck shirt, skinny jeans, and white vans. Not bad. I guess jim doesn't want me wearing anything black.

I went down stairs and into the kitchen and yet another piece of paper was in the middle of the dining table.

*Hey babe. Breakfast is not here. Go to starbucks at the third street corner. Find a girl named Maria in the counter.

~Niall xx'

These kisses in the paper makes me want to kiss him. Is that normal? I'm his Gf right? So i think its normal.

I grabbed my phone, wallet just in case, and put on some light make up before leaving the house.

I walked to where he said it would be and sure enough the Starbucks sign can be seen from where i'm standing. I didn't know there's starbucks here! I thought the nearest cafe is at the mall!

I entered inside and walked to the counter.

"Uhm,, is Maria here?" I asked the girl at the cashier.

"are you Daphne?" she asked and i nodded.

"Come this way. Niall ordered for me to give you the best breakfast we have" she said. Niall said that? Ahhh!

Maria guided me to a table at the corner of the shop and gave me the most delicious cake i've ever seen and a hot chocolate with lots of cream and marshmallows! I said thanks as she made her way back to the counter.

I took a bite of the cake and my mouth nearly exploded. This. Is. Delicious! Oh my God! I took a sip of my hot chocolate and my tongue melted with the awesomeness of the drink. This is so cool! I silently devouered my breakfast as Maria came back to my table and gave me another piece ofpaper.

"He said to give this to you after you eat. He's a keeper." She said as i blushed and thanked her. Niall is so sweet.

*Hey! How was breakfast? Hope you liked it. Now go to the mall second floor to david's parlour. This time, Sophia will meet you. Good luck :)

~Niall <3

Why can't he just say he loves me? Maybe he doesn't? Sigh. I exited the shop and made my way to the mall.

Three Little Words ~ (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now