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Daphne's POV ~

Two words. Oh no!

This can't be happening to me. Brad?! Psht! No way! He won't find me ! Will he? But what if he does? What will he do? What if he hurts the boys and jim? What if-

My thoughts were cut off by my one and only love, Niall. Cliche' right?

"Hey babe. Are you alright?" Niall asked with worry evident in his voice. Were in his flat having one of those movie nights. Tonight were watching Twilight saga. I love that movie. But harry potter is so awesome! Especially Malfoy.

"Uhm yeah. Just thinking" i shrugged. He nodded hesitantly then turned back to the movie. This was the part where they all fought but ended up just being a vision. Niall and i totally believed it! I thought bella and edward were gonna kill the enemy who wants to kill their daughter! But it turns out just being a vision.

We just laughed at how this movie totally fooled us.

"Man! Ahaha, that was so awesome!" Niall exclaimed while still chuckling.

"Yeah! That was totally epic!" I said through my little giggles.

Our laughing died down as we stared at each other.

I unexpectantly yawned. What?! I was tired! That starbucks i was working for was so loaded!

"Lets get you to sleep babe. Tomorrow is our tour to manchester. Are you coming?" he asked as he picked me up bridal style and walked down the hall to his room.

"Yeah sure." i said, once again yawning. Wow. I must be really tired! I've been yawning non stop!

He pushed the door to his room wide open, stepping in ang shutting it close with his feet. He walked to his king sized bed and layed me down gently, like a princess! He then went to his closet and changed his shirt and wore sweats right in front of me.

I just, i can't stop starring at his rock hard abs! Weird right? Sigh.

"Like what you see?" Niall suddenly, out of nowhere is now infront of me, half naked, smirking mischievously. I blushed madly mentally face palming for letting myself be caught starring.

"oh-i-uhh, ehem!" i coughed. He chuckled and now wore his white shirt and hopped in next to me. He gently wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer to him. He rested his lips at the top of my head, kissing it.

I turned around so our chest were barely touching and faced him.



"why do you love me?" i suddenly asked. I can't stop wondering you know? If you were in my shoes, having a very perfect boy friend who practically looks like a darn walking manikin, you'd ask yourself why you? He can literally have every girl he wants! Heck, even a victoria's secret model!

He stared at me blankly before smiling sweetly.

"Because you're perfect, wonderful, amazing, extraordinary, phenominal, and are a perfect girl friend" he answered before pecking me in the lips.

I blushed, turning crimson red before turning around so my back was now facing his. He chuckled slightly before nuzzling his face at the crook of my neck.

"Good Night Daphne. I Love you" he whispered.

"Night Niall. I love you too" i whispered before snuggling beside him.

I felt myself getting drowsy, my eyes as heavy as a truck. It was nicely quiet. I can perfectly hear the beat of his heart, and his steady breathing. With that i fell into deep sleep. Gosh i hope it will be forever like this. Just chilling around. But life isn't exactly fair is it?

Three Little Words ~ (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now