Pointless Breakup

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Niall's POV~

Me and the boys headed straight to the flat after the interview. Daphne and the girls went for shopping.

We were now playing FIFA and Liam was trying to beat me.

"Oh no you don't !!" I shouted while i manoeuvred the controller to kick the ball.

"Haha! I win!!" He shouted as he kicked the goal. I groaned and shoved the controller to the ground.

"Don't be like that, Nialler" Liam put a hand on my shoulder.

"Yah, yeah" I groaned. The other lads were sitting in the couch, engulfed to their own world.

"Louis! When are the girls coming home? Daphne haven't texted me yet. Its been 5 hours" I pouted.

"Don't worry Niall, i'm sure they're just-" He was cut off by someone banging on the door. Harry trudged to the door, annoyed.

"WHAT?!" He shouted but then went silent. We all went to he door to see what was happening.

"Amanda?! Why are you crying babe?"

"El! Are you alright?!"

"Dani! Oh hod. What happened?!"

The boys hugged their girlfriends. Where Daphne?

"Where's Daphne?" Harry asked as if reading my mind.

"W-we d-don't know!!" El cried.

"I-i think she w-was kidnapped" Amanda whispered while silently sobbing, Zyan trying to calm her down.

"w-what do you m-mean?" i stuttered. I don't know what to even feel right now. Al these emotions. Sadness, worried, mad, nervous, furious and most of all, scared. Scared of what might of happened.

"I think its Brad" She simply said. Her face turning blank. All her tears disappeared. She looks like she was about to snap any second now.

"w-what-" i couldn't finish because Amanda totally snapped.

"SHE GOT KIDNAPPED BY BRAD OKAY?! ARE YOU HAPPY NOW?!" She shouted, a new pool of tears in her eyes.

"WHY ARE YOU SO MAD HUH?! ITS NOT LIKE I WAS THE ONE WHO KIDNAPPED HER!! It's your FAULT !! You should've watched out for her like a true FRIEND !!" I snapped but regretting it slightly.

"Watch it" Zayn snapped. The other lads were completely silent.

"Your her Boy Friend too !! I'm not the only one at fault with this !! You should've been there for her !" She yelled at my face. I was fuming now. If she wasn't a girl i would've punched her.

I was clenching my fist so tight that all blood drained from it. We were on a deep stare off contest until Liam cleared his throat.

"So.. How do you know its Brad who took her?" Liam went all Daddy direction Nd responsible now.

"Here. She left her phone at one of the bags of clothes we bought. Brad was texting her. Scaring her" Amanda handed Liam Daphne's phone.

"Why didn't she tell me?" i whispered. Amanda's face softened from being blank.

"She din't want you to worry especially when you guys are busy. She didn't want to be the one to be in the way of your career" She stated while smiling sympathetically but worry still evident on her face. Zayn hugged her as she sobbed again.

A tear rolled down on my cheek as i stared at the floor. Why? Why would she think that? She wasn't in the way of anything. Why is she trying so hard to think that?!

Anger flooded me as i turned around and punched the wall repeatedly. I could hear the boys trying to stop me but i wasn't paying attention.

"Niall mate. Don't worry. We'll figure this out" Harry hugged me from behind. I sniffled but nodded and followed them in the living area.

"Based form these messages, this threat has been going on for about two weeks from now." Liam said as she scrolled down Daphne's Phone.

I froze when he said that. So daphne has been keeping this for two weeks? What was she thinking? What if it was a death threat? Brad is abusive. This can't be. I promised her i'd protect her. But now i don't even know where she is.

"what are we gonna do?" i whispered but loud enough for them to hear.

"i think we should-" Louis started but was cut off by the door knob form the front door twisting.

Daphne's POV~

i can't believe this. How could brad force me to do this? Hasn't he had enough?! I can't believe i'm doing this.

I twisted the door knob to the all too familiar flat. This will probably be the last time i'll see it.

I walked in silently. As if it wasn't quiet in here already. Suddenly, i was engulfed in a tight hug. I smelled his perfume one last time before pushing him off. Pushing Niall off of me was the hardest thing ever. But not as hard as what i'm about to do.

"What's the matter!?" Niall asked as he tried to get me. I steeped back, completely surprising him. The other boys and the girls stood there in shock.

"Niall. I'm breaking up with you" I said, trying so hard not to cry and keep my face straight.

"what?' He stuttered.

"I never loved you. I just used your fame to get noticed. Now that i'm finally famous, i'm breaking it between us. No hard feelings" I said coldly. Inside i'm practically crying.

"y-your lying" He begged me. But i kept on a straight face. I'm so sorry Niall but i have to do this. For your safety.

"No. Don't talk to me ever again. Our relationship was just a beautiful mistake" i said blankly. The others gasped at the shocking words i just said. I looked at the angry looking Amanda as our eyes locked. My guard suddenly fell as sadness and frightened feeling flashed my eyes. She noticed but then i kept my guard up again.

I looked back at the Sobbing Niall in front of me. Its pained me to see hi. Like this. He looks so broken and fragile but i have to do this to protect them from brad.

I took my phone form a shocked looking Liam and walked out of their flay, not even looking back as i gelt hot liquid pour out of my tired looking eyes. I'm tired. Tired of all of this. Haven't i had enough? Why can someone as coldblooded as Brad even exist? I'm tired. I can't do this anymore. Especially when i know Niall will eventually forget about me and move on to find a more good looking and worth loving girl. This is it.

The moment i said those hurtful words to him, i realised something that hurt too much to take.

"I wasn't Niall's princess anymore"

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