Daphne the Winner and Susan the loser

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Daphne's Pov~

I woke up to someone shaking me. I groaned and buried my face in my pillow. My pillow vibrated with a laugh which confused me.

I opened my eyes slightly and saw it was Niall. I smiled at him as he kissed my lips.

"Were here babe, in america for the tour" he said. My eyes widened as i jumped up and ran outside. I now regret running outside cause once i set foot on land, flashed covered my face. It was those paparazzi's!!

I hate them so much. Ugh. Niall handed me glasses and i smiled at him. He held my waist as he led me and the boys to our van.

Fans were everywhere outside and Paul had a hard time getting us through in the van. Why not just run over them? Lol that would be cruel.

We arrived at our hotel and checked in. Me and Niall are sharing a room, with a lecture from paul saying don't do anything stupid. I blushed and nodded causing Niall and the boys to chuckle.

At the corner of my eyes i swear i saw Harry roll his eyes. I shrugged and just walked with Niall to our room.

Harry's Pov~

I huffed as i saw Niall and Daphne walking to their hotel room. I should be the one holding hands with Daphne and sharing rooms with her.

Okay i'll admit it. I like Daphne. So much !!

"Hazza, are you okay?" Louis asked. I fake smiled and nodded. I can tell he didn't buy it and gave me the 'we'll talk later' look.

We headed to our separate rooms. Me and Louis, and Zayn and Liam.

Once me and Lou set foot on our shared room, he closed the door and faced me with a serious look.

I sighed and just gave up.

"Lou, i-i like Daphne okay? And it hurts seeing Niall and her together" i said.

He stared at me in shock ! I sighed and just went to the balcony.

"Harry, don't do anything stupid. I know you like her and i also know it hurts you seeing them together, but think about Niall. About how he would feel when he found out." Louis said as he out a hand on my shoulder.

"Okay" i said as i put my face in both my large hands.

Daphne's Pov~

A few hours after we all settled in on our hotel room, Paul texted the boys saying they'll be having rehearsals, then an interview, then finally their concert.

Niall groaned and i just kissed his cheek. We got ready and went out with the other lads to go find Paul.

It was hectic at their rehearsals but their voices was magnificent !! I haven't really seen them on stage before so i was really excited to watch them later, backstage !!!! Its every fans dream.

I smiled as i handed Niall a bottle of water and a small towel to dry his sweat. He thank me and kissed my cheek. I turned and saw Harry giving Niall death glares.

I sent harry a questioning look but he just shrugged. I swear that boy really confuse me.

Liam kept waking up a sleepy Zayn, And Louis kept bugging Harry while Niall and I relaxed at each other's arms.

Paul hurried us to the ban saying we only had half an hour for their first interview on this tour.

When we arrived, Paul ushered the boys to the dressing rooms. Paul then turned to me with a grin.

"What?" i asked dumb founded. He just smirked as a young lady grabbed my wrist and dragged me into a room.

"Hi my hame is Chelsea. I'm your make up stylist" She smiled.

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