Welcoming Party

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Louis' POV

i woke up early in the morning and it felt unusual. nevermind that. we have a party planing to attend to. i need to wake up the other lads. its currently 7:00 in the morning. i'm sure they'll be glad enough to be awaken in an ungodly hour.

i had planned on how to wake them up. i will have to use drastic measures and super heroic abilities to wake them up.

i wen to Niall's room first. he seemed like a leprechaunic lost little puppy. 

"Niall ~" i whispered silently.

"Ugh! what Lou?!" he groaned. sheesh! what's gotten into him? oh well.

"I made you breakfast" i whispered in his ears. "its in the kitchen waiting for you!" i singsonged.

He jolted out of bed and into the kitchen. i kept back from laughing when he realized i lied to him.

"Louis!!!!!" He screamed as i laughed at him.

"Aww Niall! cheer up lad! were gonna party later" i said. his face lit up as he sat in the couch. next is harry.

'Harry!! Management sent new! they said you need to cut your curls off or else !" i shouted as he quickly sat up holding his curls screaming "NOOOOOO!!!!!" i laughed at him as he glared at me realizing i fooled him. point two for the tommo ! Zayn's next!

Niall's POV ~

I sat there laughing at how Louis waked up harry. now i was expecting how he would wake up zayn. this better be good.

"Zayn! Niall broke your large mirror in the bathroom !!" Louis shouted as i rolled on the floor laughing so hard my tummy hurt.

"WHAT?!" he rushed in the bathroom and sighed in relief his mirror was okay and glared at louis.

Next is Liam. Louis went to the kitchen and grabbed a spoon from the cupboards. this is gonna be good.

a few minutes later after Louis entered Liam's room.

"AHHHHHHHH!" Liam shouted while running. i was literally crying from so much laughter.

Louis threw the spoon at him as Liam kicked it away.

"So, now that verybody is awake. we need to discuss the welcoming party" Louis exclaimed earning glares for each one of us while he just shrugged.

we all gathered in the kitchen while liam made us waffles. I ate 5 cause it was so delicious.

"Maybe we can bring her to Nando's" i offered which they returned with a 'SERIOUSLY?!' look.

"Fine ! i was just saying" i said as i munched again.

"Or we have a BBQ night" Liam said. 

"That'll work" Louis saidas he chugged a glass of orange juice which i did the same. soon enough we were having a drinking contest. the lads even bet on who they thought is gonna win. Louis is the one who won.

Daphne's POV ~

 I woke up this morning and ate the breakfast my mom made. i can't help but feel that something good is gonna happen today. My parents left a note saying her and my dad are gonna celebrate my dads new work and that they'll return late this midnight.

"Sis. Where's mum and dad?" my sleepy brother said.

"Good morning bro. Mum and dad are out hte whole day. here. they left breakfast and money" i said as i offered him food. he nodded and ate silently.

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