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Daphne's POV ~

"Dude, you think she's awake?"

"I don't know but i'm getting pretty worried"

"Yeah, she's been sleeping for a day straight"

"Well her flu is rare, and the rain isn't helping"

"Maybe we should get her to the hospital"

These voice sounds awfully familiar. What did they say?! A whole day as in 24 hours straight of sleep?! Wow, totally hospital wise.

"Boys?" i croaked out. My voice is dry and my head hurts so much! My body is numb. I heard shuffling that literally made my head burst.

"SHE's AWAKE !!" Someone shouted.

"owww.... My head feels like a bomb!!" I groaned. I heard Niall chuckle which totally made me better, NOT !

I sat up and all 5 pairs of eyes were on me. Liam gave me a glass of water and some advil.

"Hey babe, so what happened out there?" Niall asked as i shoved the pill in my mouth and drank the water to help me swallow.

"uhm.. I don't know?" i said but came more of a question. I looked into his blue orbs that were filled with, anger and confusion?

"what do you mean you don't know? I've been worried sick about you! You come home passed put in a strangers arms, gave me a note saying you have a FLU ! I mean, you didn't even told me! Then that man who carried you just SIAD you almost got in trouble in an alley way. What did you rhink i'm supposed to feel?!" He ranted.

"We'll just go" Louis said as he went outside with the rest of the boys following behind.

"Niall I-" i couldn't finish because he went on again.

"What were you thinking?! Why didn't you tell me? Or call me? Or-"

"Niall !! " i screamed. That shut him up. "Okay one, my head hurts. Two, my body is numb, theree, i-i didn't want to worry you or choose me over your job. You were so busy so i thought i could handle a simple cold. On the way home i took the short cut to the alleyway because i was too tired. It just so happens that my body totally shut down in the middle of the alleyway and those teens spotted me and uhm, kind of punched me, just ones and Bryan saved me and-" I couldn't finish bevause Niall crashed his lips to mine. I was so relieved that i started to tear up.

"Don't cry, i was just so worried. Please don't cry baby" He pleaded as he wiped the fresh tears on my cheek with his thumb. I nodded and hugged him.

"Was this our fist fight?" I asked and he chuckled causing me to blush.

"Yeah and we over come it so it just proves were a strong couple" He smiled as he kissed my forehead.

"O-okay. And uhm, did you get Bryan's number? I wanna thank him" I asked. He stared at me me with blank expression before giving me a piece of paper.

"uhm, are you okay Niall? Ate you mad at me?" I asked him with the best puppy dog eyes.

"No, i'm not mad. I love you and i'm glad your safe. Now are you hungry?" he asked with a genuine smile that always meletd me mentally and probably physically. Wow, i'm talking nonsense.

"Okay, but i'm not really that hungry"

"are you okay? You usually eat like me"

"Duh! The flu remember?"

"Oh,, yeah.. Oh by the way, Manda said she's visiting. Jim told me she was worried sick. Is she a friend of your's?" He asked.

"Uhm yeah. Are they home yet?" I asked.

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