Chapter Six

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Quick Authors Note before the chapter: I've been trying to stay positive in these little notes, but I feel like I'm just trying to keep up an act. I don't want to turn into a reads beggar or a comments beggar, but here I am. I would really appreciate it if someone, anyone, left me some kind of feedback, constructive criticism or whatever. I need to know what I'm doing right, or what I'm doing wrong. I want to know if you're enjoying it or if you're bored. So please comment. Also I would find it really helpful if you told someone, fellow Wattpad friends, or even authors who also write Daryl love stories about my story.

Thank you.


Chapter Six

We only spent a few days in our tents before deciding we needed to move on. The cold was getting too intense for the kids and someone was bound to get pneumonia if we kept sleeping on the ground. Since I rode with him the last time I got stuck in Daryl's truck again. The whole ride was filled with awkward, uncomfortable silence. We must've been on the rode for two days, stopping several times so no one became too restless. This particular stop was to make some dinner and do a little bit of laundry.

"While they're all washin' their panties, I'm gonna go huntin'" Daryl announced

"I'll come with you" I told him

He rolled his eyes and started walking towards the woods "Don't get in my way"

I scoffed "I never got in you're way before, don't know why you're complaining now"

Daryl and I used to go hunting all the time together, he taught me most of my tracking skills. After we started dating I hunted with him more than I hunted with my dad and looking back now, I kind of regret it. I still have all the time in the world to hunt with Daryl, but my dad's rotting away in our living room.

"Remember in 8th grade when I beat your ass for tripping me?" I said, breaking the silence.

 "Yep. Had a black eye and everything" He chuckled. "I went to visit Merle in Juvy and he called me the biggest pussy that ever lived"

I laughed. "You weren't a pussy, you had too much respect for girls to hit one."

"Yeah." he mumbled

That may be a part of the reason, but we both know it was mostly because he'd seen his dad beat on his mom so much as a kid. He didn't want to be anything like that evil, terrible excuse of a man. 

"Remember when yer brother nearly killed us when he found us smokin' pot"

I giggled. "Yeah, and you actually convinced him to join us."

He chuckled and nodded.

Two walkers came stumbling out of the brush, both of them torn up to the point where you could see their bones, the stench coming from their rotting flesh all but made me retch. They advanced towards us, teeth snapping, like they haven't seen food in years,

"I got these assholes" I said to Daryl over my shoulder, I loaded my bow and took one down but before I could get rid of the other a bolt shot straight into his head

"C'mon, asshole! I had that!" I practically whined

He scoffed and retrieved his bolt while I got my arrow,

"I'm not some kid you have to protect anymore, Daryl. I can take care of my self!"

"I know ye can Callie! I'm jus' lookin' out for ye!"

"Well, you don't need to! I was just fine all those months on my own!"

"That scar says somethin' different" He pointed at my stomach

Can We Learn To Love Again? (TWD, Daryl Dixon)Where stories live. Discover now