Chapter Ten

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This Chapter is dedicated to @KittyBop for being my AWESOME first follower and voting on every chapter! Thanks again!<3

Chapter Ten

The kiss Daryl and I shared pushed him away more than I thought it would. In the month I'd been recovering from my injury I'd only seen a few times for showers and he didn't bother even acknowledging me. We'd kissed (probably more than we should have) before the whole 'worlds ended and people starting eating other peoples faces off' thing, so I didn't really understand why it bothered him so much now. Then again this was Daryl we're talking about. One of the hardest guys to read, keeping his face in a mask of either anger, or free of any emotion at all. I could never really figure out what was going on in that head of his unless he said it to me in words. Like the whole 'I carer and I'm your protector' act. And I knew even that was probably extremely hard for him to express in the first place. He cared about me way more than he should have, especially the way I left things, and the way our relationship ended. Maybe that's what the kiss made him realize. That he shouldn't care because of the way I treated him when we split. Good. He'll care less about me and start worrying about his own problems and I won't get him killed. 

Within month the others cleared out enough units to fit all of us, I talked Maggie into clearing out a couple extra with Glenn for me. I figured we'd be able to set up a little medical unit and maybe make some sort of classroom out of the other one. The rest of the group moved into their new homes while I was still confined to the stuffy office to ensure I didn't start lifting anything heavy. I came out for meals on occasion and sat around the fire that was placed in the middle of all the units, but when I stayed put Sophia would bring me my food and tell me all about what'd been happening on 'the outside', she'd spend hours with me and I taught her a few key things about survival, I even pinned up a target on the wall an showed her how to shoot my bow, it wasn't very hard for her to hit seeing as we only had 10 feet of space to work with, and she was improving everyday. The generator was turned on once a week and I'd watch people come in and out throughout the day, everyone sat down with me and made small talk, but it was enjoyable as I got to get to know the group a lot better and they were all really starting to grow on me. Everyone except Shane of course. When he came for his shower he was usually escorted by someone like Rick or T-Dog, never Daryl though because even one wrong look from Shane would result in an arrow through the brain. When Hershel would come for his shower He'd often tell me about the more extensive procedures he was looking forward to teaching me, he'd laid out the basics for some of them but nothing more than that before he was hurried into the shower so my next visitor could have their turn. Maggie and I got into many conversations about our past, I told her a lot about Daryl and I's history while she told me about her life on the farm. We also talked about the future, what she thought her and Glenn's relationship was going, where she thought Daryl and I were going. Which was no where because it won't work in a world like this, not for me anyways, but I had only the highest hopes for her and Glenn. And even though you can't technically get married anymore, I'm sure someday they would.

When Glenn came around he told me about the many runs he'd gone on since we arrived, the challenges he faced getting there and back, and the things he was able to scavenge like solar powered floor lamps for night times in the units, and the stuff he got for me. I felt bad that he was putting himself in danger to make sure I was entertained, but he volunteered. He brought a CD player with headphones, CD's and extra batteries, a couple of VHS tapes (which I didn't even know we're still being made at the time of the apocalypse) that i could play in the security room when the generator was turned on, and a medical  anatomy coloring book with a nice big 64 pack of Crayolas. He also brought back a few things for the classroom I was planning to set up and the medical unit Hershel was working on for me while I was out of commission. I was so grateful to Glenn, for doing all that stuff for me and also visiting me to just joke around and cheer me up while I was down. He and I had gotten to be best friends now, too.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2013 ⏰

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