Pt 1

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//I'll be updating this regularly, as often as I can while I work on my other 2 books.And just a heads up, Rin and Shiro's last names r gonna be different since they won't be related to each other in this book.Shiro's name is now Shiro's Reiki and Rin's name is now Rin Moriyama (Shiemi's last name)\\

Chapter One: Detective Yukio Okumura

Sept 12, 2015

Yukio's POV

"Come'on, get at it!" I shouted at Shima who was panicking and ran back and forth in the office, grabbing all of the necessary items.

"Don't you think that your going to hard on the poor kid, Okumura?"Shiro Reiki, the oldest member in our staff, asked.

I crossed my arms, my right eye twitching.

"He's my assistant, of course I'm suppose to give him hard things to do. PUT MORE BACK INTO IT!"I shouted at Shima as he was sweating, trying to pick up a heavy box.

Shiro sweat dropped.

"I know you are just stressed out since you too are new. Don't worry, relax, you'll get along fine. And stop taking your stress out on the poor intern." Shiro said, putting a hand on my shoulder.

I sighed with my eyes closed and arms crossed.

"Alright. Shima, you can rest for the next hour, I'll finish unpacking myself." I said, putting my hands back to my side while sighing in defeat.

"That's the Okumura I know!" Shiro shouted, patting my back not-so-softly.

Shiro Reiki, we've been friends for months now. We met at my old job, the café down the street. He was a regular costumer and one day, I had asked him why he always bought so much coffee. He replied that he worked with detectives.

After that, our friendship became mutual and he got me interested in being a detective. And, that's what lead me to were I am now.

Shima's eyes instantly filled with delight.

"Thank you Okumura, sir!" Shima shouted, bowing and say down at his desk, sighing in relief while sipping sweat off of his forehead.

Time Skip

'The victim(s) was stabbed through the stomach and the criminal fled. The victim(s) soon died from blood-'Shiro interrupted my test to see if I was a suitable detective by placing a Carmel colored envelope on my desk.

"This is your first real assignment.And I will tell you one thing, it is in Rank B, one of the most difficult assignments." Shiro said.

In the past 5 days I've worked here, I've had to memories a lot.Like: The task rank, which determines how difficult the task is, names of the most famous and important works I. Our building, and how to run drills.

There are 15 ranks.From easiest to hardest, they are: Rank 10, Rank 9, Rank 8, Rank 7, Rank 6, Rank 5, Rank 4, Rank 3, Rank 2, Rank 1, Rank E, Rank D, Rank C, Rank B, and Rank A, the most difficult one.

I looked at Shiro in shock.

"How come it's so difficult?"I asked, pushing up my rectangular glasses and picking up the envelope, opening it and pulling out the papers.

"Well, this guy is someone who sells drugs on the Black Market. He's actually, surprisingly, your age, 21." Shiro said.

I stared at him in disbelief.

'To think, someone my age would start selling drugs for their own personal desires, that's just sick and twisted.'I thought, gritting my teeth.

Black Market King (YukiRin/YukioxRin)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora