16) Reunion Disaster

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It took her days to get to this place. She didn't know both clans were this close to each other. It's been so long since she's been here

Senna shifted to human form and saw the chimney. It's on. She sniffed and smiled. Luna, she is here. Luna found her way home.

She went up the steps and opened the door. Memories resurface.

She remembers the day she and Luther found out she was pregnant. It was the happiest moment of their lives. But, of course, they had to hide it. He used magic to hide her belly.

During her pregnancy, she and Luther decorated the nursery. Deep down, she knew it was a girl.

"Do you believe our baby is a girl?" He asked while rubbing her swollen belly.

"I do," she smiled. "Can you imagine a little girl that looks like you? I can't wait!" She painted the door.

"Aren't you worried?" He asked. "Our daughter could be born with horns and a tail."

"I'm not afraid," she stood and entered the bedroom. Senna and Luther painted the walls and built the furniture. "And if you are worried about bullying, we can teach her how to defend herself. I am not going to let others ridicule her for being different."

He hugged her from behind. "You are the strongest female wolf I have met. And I have met others, but none compare to you."

She turned around and kissed him.

"So when are you coming back?" She asked. "You better come back before my due date. I am not giving birth alone."

He smiled. "I promise I'll be here; I just need to deal with some stuff."

"Okay, if you are late, I'll be mad."

That was the last time she saw him. They had a steamy night, and when she woke up, he was gone. He had left her a cute note promising to come back. But he never did.

Each day that passed was agonizing until her final due date arrived. The spell that hid her belly off. It wore off during dinner with her parents and his supposed fiancé's family.

They assume she and that idiot had sex. Just the assumption made her skin crawl. Her parents weren't happy. But they aren't that mad. If the child is a white wolf, it doesn't matter who the father is.

She tried to escape the situation, but she couldn't. But her parents kept Senna locked up in her room. That bastard had found hers and Luther's home. He let her know he destroyed everything. He even brought a blue teddy bear and ripped it before her.

She cried all night and felt miserable. She prays for Luther to come and get her. But he never did.

He was gone.

And the rest is history. Because Luther wasn't around, she had to make the hardest decision ever. Abandoning Luna was the most heartbreaking thing she has ever done.

But now, after all these years, she gets to hold her. She gets to ask for forgiveness.

Sighing, Senna walked inside. Someone cleaned the fireplace; old logs and twigs were burning. She looked around; nothing was out of place. There were old scratches. That bastard, she should've slapped him.

Senna sniffs the air. She's here. She follows the scent, Luna; she's even everywhere. "Hmm?" She pushed open the nursery room and choked on a sob. She covered her mouth as tears ran down her face. That bastard, when he said he destroyed everything, he meant the nursery room. If his still alive, she's going to kick his ass.

She and Luther put—so much sweat and blood into decorating the nursery, and it's all ruined. Even the mural is there but scratched out.

She looked around, where was she? Senna tensed; Luna was lying on top of a bunch of plushies. For some reason, she imagined Luna as a child sleeping on those plushies after a day's worth of playing.

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