39) Redemption

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Sarah held Sapphire as she fed. Sapphire is a hungry child. But her constant suckling does ease the heaviness of her breasts.

She's so beautiful. Sarah never thought she would become a mother so young. She never wanted kids. She didn't know she was capable of taking care of one. All those thoughts flew out the window the moment this little one came out of her womb. When Sarah held Sapphire for the first time, she was in awe. She couldn't fandom how someone so tiny was growing in her womb.

And now she's a bit doubtful. She isn't going to stay long. She's returning to the Rose clan. It's her decision. Sarah talked to Taylor about it, and he agreed. He will respect her sections. They have already made plans on how they are going to interact with Sapphire so that she will always have both her parents around.

Sarah is afraid she is making a horrible decision. It feels like she's abandoning Sapphire. Does it make her a bad mother? She wants to be better; it's why she has to go back—to heal. To heal her wounds and move forward with her life. She's still somewhat stuck on that horrible day of her life. But with Sapphire being born, she needs to get rid of her past. Confront her fears—her attackers.

Taylor told her he found them and gave them a good beating. All four of Sarah's attackers are behind bars, thanks to Saito. They are all from the Dark Moon clan. Senna feels terrible; she's from that clan.

Sarah smiled. Everyone has been kind to her, even though she doesn't deserve their kindness.

She was nothing but a nuisance. Lashing out on Luna was stupid. Sarah was a pathetic loser who acted on her emotions. She destroys many friendships. Looking back, how didn't anyone bash her on the has to knock some sense into her?

It's ridiculous how much she got away with. It's hard to comprehend her behavior. She feels revolted with herself.

'You will be a great mother.'

Sarah gasp. "Sar?"

'I'm here.'

Sarah tears up and sob. "You came back."

'I never left,' Sar said. 'I was dormant, remember?'

"I know," Sarah sniffled. "But it feels like an eternity. It's like I haven't spoken to you in ages. You have no idea how lonesome I have felt."

'I have seen everything,' Sar said. 'Our pup is beautiful. And you're not abandoning her. You're going away to heal.'

Sarah smiled.

Sapphire fussed and pushed away from her breast. Sarah lifted her shirt back up and sat Sapphire up; she patted her back gently. Sapphire let out a loud burp.

"Goodness," Senna enters. "That was so loud."

Sarah giggle.

Senna set some gifts on the floor. "From Anita and Draven."

Sarah looks at the immense gifts. Senna took Sapphire while she went through the gifts: clothes, socks, bottles, blankets, and toys. Sapphire is going to be very loved.

"Oh?" Sarah held the dress; it was for her. It's pretty. And decent. She is more conservative now that she has freedom. Freedom? She's free from her parents.

Holding the dress against her chest, she cried. At that moment, Taylor enters with Luna.

"What's wrong?" Luna held a box of diapers and baby wipes. She sat down and knelt in front of her. "Sarah?"

"She's feeling a little emotional," Senna said. "It's normal."

Luna hugged her. Sarah cried on her shoulder. She's grateful to have Luna's friendship still. Luna never gave up on it. After all the horrible things Sarah has done to Luna, Sarah isn't sure how Luna can forgive her.

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