40) The Angels

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It happened. Luna's mother, Senna, snapped.

Lately, her mother has been grumpy. She would snap at her father for no reason. She brought up how he abandoned her. Her emotions were all over the damn castle.

At this moment, Senna had tackled Luther, and now Luther had her over his shoulder, taking her upstairs.

"Put me down!" Senna yelled. Luna follows closely behind. "Don't you dare lock me up! I'll jump! I swear I'll jump out the window!"

"We are going to get you checked out," Luther said. "Your sudden change of emotions is concerning."

Luna had Sapphire in her arms. She's babysitting her while Sarah is taking a nap and Taylor is out on a business trip. Sapphire was happily napping. She's sleeping soundly, unbeknownst to her surroundings. Luna wishes she could sleep like that.

As they were about to enter the bedroom, Demitri, exploring the castle, came through the open window.

"Um, the sky is red," Demitri said.

"Red?" Luna stares out; sure enough, the sky is red; it looks unnatural.

"Luna, her back," Luther had set Senna down.

"What's going on?" Luna ask.

Dante landed on the stone railing. "The angels are here; thanks to the barrier, the towel is safe. But the castle isn't safe. They are coming. That red glow is a barrier they set to keep the humans from noticing them."

"Dante, tell the guards to close the doors and put up the pillars."

Dante nodded.

"Angels? Pillars?" Luna held Sapphire. She had come awake; she must've sensed the danger.

"I didn't think they would be so bold as to attack us like this," Senna said. "Are they stupid or something?

Luna gaze at Demitri. She wants to tell Senna the truth. Demitri shook his head. Now, it's not the time.

"They're desperate," Luther leads them downstairs. "Demitri, go get Sarah."

Demitri didn't hesitate and flew out the window.

"Right, the pillars will put a barrier around the castle," he sighed. "I must go and meet someone. They'll be able to help us further."

Senna shook her head. "You can't just leave us."

"I have to; Taylor will be back soon," he kissed Senna. "But I must go and see this person. They'll be able to tell us what the angels want. Please, Senna, I'm trying to keep us safe."

Senna hugged him. "I'm pregnant."

Well, that's unexpected news. Luther cursed very loudly.

"Why must you tell me now?" He flicked his forehead. "You did this last time."

Senna kissed him. "Come back safe."

Luther took them to a safe place, a room behind a bookshelf. Demitri and Sarah met them there. Sarah immediately took hold of Sapphire.

"I don't know how long you'll be here," Luther said. "But the room has beds, two bathrooms, and a kitchen."

Before they were locked inside, Luther sent Demitri to gather some of their belongings. Mostly, things they'll need. And all the diapers and baby wipes as many clothes, including the cot and toys. They had everything. And if they need more, the room oddly connects to the central kitchen. At this moment, the kitchen is—locked. Most of the rooms got barracked in case they needed to get something. That's how the pillars work.

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