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You wanna hear a joke?........


So my life is a long story of hatred, sadness, annoyance, and anger.

Let me start off with who i really am.

Hi, my name is Marlene Navarro. I'm a 16 year old trans teen who is trying to live life with everything i have. My life isn't that great as of right now but i know if i keep looking ahead it will get better. As of right now i am pre-everything in my transition. And if you don't know what transgender means, it means that one does not agree with the gender they are assigned at birth and prefer to be known as the opposite gender they were assigned. I was assigned male at birth but i identify as female.

A lot is crazy in my life and like i said its filled with a lot of things....... Mostly anger.

Please identify me as Marlene because thats truly who i am and i would really appreciate it.

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