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People murmur words all around

Some may even be talking to me.

I hear them, but I don't truly understand.

I feel suffocated like I can't breathe,

with all of these faceless figures trying to speak to me.

I feel tears begin to prick my eyes, but am unsure as to why.

I raise my hand up to feel my cheeks.

My breath fastens into rapid puddles of disappearing air.

I need to get out of here, to escape before I drown.

I gasp for breath, then decide to run.

They look at me funny

Ask if I'm okay.

How in this world could I explain?

I'm okay if you mean I'm struggling to swim,

struggling to keep from drowning myself in my own self-hate.

I'm okay if you mean I'm dying to live,

dying to survive each night and day.

People murmur words all around

Some may even be talking to me.

I hear them, but I don't truly understand.

I feel suffocated like I can't breathe,

with all of these faceless figures trying to speak to me.

Thoughts of A TeenWhere stories live. Discover now