Authors Note

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These are all my personal pieces, as in all rights are mine. Feel free to share what you want, but be sure to give credit. Honestly, when I read authors notes in other stories, I generally hate it and want to get onto the story, soooo there will only be a few throughout this book. I'll be posting once or twice a week depending on my schedule and on my mind. My writing may get a little dark or depressing, so if you can't handle or don't like that, you don't have to read it. To those of you who do choose to continue reading: Thank you soo much! This is my first book to have on Wattpad, or anywhere for that matter, and it counts a lot that people actually read it. Please remember, this is fictional and you should not worry about the author, me. Thank you so much for taking the time out of your life to read a little into mine! (:

Please feel free to comment, vote, and tell me of any grammar errors, because I'm still in high school and I know that nobody's perfect.

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