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"Dr. Lovato?" I looked up expectantly at the young nurse, Emily, who had started her first day yesterday. "We have a new patient arriving today, and Dr. Connors would like to put her on your service. Is that okay?"

I looked down at my patient files and immediately started calculating how much time the new patient would require. "What's the severity?"

Emily checked her iPad. "Moderate to severe... Her name is Mia Valderrama... she's fifteen."

I nodded. "That's fine, you can tell Connors to email me her previous records if she has them."

She pressed a few buttons on the screen. "She's set to arrive in an hour so I'll get those charts to you right away."

I smiled as she left and went back to my files. A few seconds later, my computer dinged with the signal of a new email and I printed out the files and paperwork, getting a manilla folder out to write the name on.

-Patient lives with father.

-Patient's mother committed suicide when patient was six. Patient found.

I flinched, this one was going to be hard. Her weight was down to eighty-eight pounds, so bringing her up from that was no doubt going to be challenging. I knew medication might be a factor so that was why she was sent to my care, and because of the fact that she had three suicide attempts. No matter how many patients came and went I never got used to reading the blunt number of times a young girl had tried to take her own life. It was my job not to get emotional but I couldn't help it. What so many people have to go through in life makes you think about just how good you have it.

"Dr. Lovato?"A voice made me look up. "The new patient is here." Emily was at the door. I glanced at the clock, had it been an hour already? "She's early..." Emily explained, "And not exactly happy to be here."

I stood up and pulled on my standard, white coat. "Not many are Emily, let's go."

Together, we walked to the front lobby and when I turned the corner, I could already hear yelling down the hallway.


As the girl came into my view I realized she was screaming at her father, who was helplessly trying to reason with her. I cleared my throat and both of them looked up at me.

"Hello, I'm Dr. Lovato. You must be Mia."

I held out my hand but she just sneered at it, "I don't give a shit about who you are. I don't belong here. I'm not crazy. I'm not staying here."

I smiled, "We can talk about that, but let's step into my office shall we?" I glanced at her dad, momentarily distracted at how attractive he was. "Y-You can come too Mr. Valderrama."

He nodded, "You can call me Wilmer."

Behind me, the other staff members snickered. It was a reputation of mine not to develop relationships with my patient's parents. I paused, "Right this way, Mister Valderrama." I turned on my heel and began walking, listening to the man and his daughter, already bickering again.

"Seriously?" Mia hissed, "Can you try not to flirt for like, tens seconds?"

Wilmer made a noise of annoyance, "I wasn't flirting Mia. My name is a mouthful, Wilmer is easier."

I stopped as we reached my office and held the door open for them, "In here."

Wilmer sat down in one of the chairs in front of my desk while Mia stood with her arms crossed, "I'm not staying here."

I raised an eyebrow, "That may be so, but if you could humor me and take a seat, I'd appreciate it." Slowly, Mia sat down. "So." I took out a pad of paper, "Mr. Valderrama. You are admitting Mia for how long? I assume you've been informed by the insurance company."

Wilmer nodded, "As long as it takes, insurance won't be an issue."

Mia glared at him, "I'm not crazy. I don't need to be here."

I took a deep breath and looked over at her, "Mia, I know this isn't something you want to hear. I know you think you're okay and that you don't need to be here but you're wrong. You're not okay, and you do need to be here. But you're right about one thing... you're not crazy. None of the girls here are crazy. You'll learn that while you stay here and when you start to make friendships here. I know you don't want to get better, but I am promising you, from experience, that recovery is worth it."

Mia's eyes shown with tears, "I'm not fucking crazy."

My eyes softened, "I know that sweetie. But you're sick. You need to get better which is something that I can help you with."

Her lower lip began to quiver and she looked down at her hands, "I'm sorry."

I shook my head, "Never say that Mia. You can't control what you feel. I've watched hundreds of girls sit in that chair and they say that they're sorry. Don't be sorry. Be active, work towards recovery because you're the only one who can do it. I can give you everything you need to get you there, but you need to make that switch. You need to realize that you're not okay." Mia met my eyes, then looked at her dad, her shoulders trembling. "I'll give you two a minute..." I murmured, and stood up, walking towards the door. When my back was turned, Mia threw herself into her father's arms, sobbing loudly. He was comforting her, whispering in her ear that it was going to be okay, and that he loved her more than anything. I turned slightly to close the door behind me and met his gaze over her shoulder.

"Thank you." He mouthed, and I gave him a small smile in response, then shut the door.


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