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Leaving Mia at that place was the hardest thing I've ever had to do, aside from burying my wife. At the same time, I couldn't get Demi off of my mind. There was something about her that intrigued me, I just couldn't put my finger on it. Lately, before all the problems with Mia started, I was thinking about getting back into the dating pool... or what was left of it. But last time, Mia flipped out before I had any chance of explaining things to her. I didn't know if she would ever be okay with me moving on, no matter who it was with. I hoped this place could turn that around. I wanted her to have some kind of mother figure in her life. I wanted to stop feeling lonely.


Mia's POV

The in-dorm time was nine. but lights out wasn't until ten-thirty. They made me eat a small dinner of chicken, broccoli, and rice with a glass of milk, but I could barely stomach half of it. I was the last one in the cafeteria, and after Emily realized I was ignoring her attempts of encouragement, she got up and walked away. I thought they'd finally given up and that I could go, but that wasn't the case. Dr. Lovato appeared at the table and sat across from me, smiling gently.

"I'm full." I said, before she could even speak. "You can't make me eat this shit."

She sighed. "Mia you've eaten a few bites of chicken, two pieces of broccoli and you haven't touched the rice or the milk."

I scowled at Emily across the room, "It doesn't matter. Im not eating it."

She shook her head, "You need to eat Mia."

"Why should I listen to you?"

Dr. Lovato chuckled, "How about this? For every answer I give you, you take two bites." I glowered for a second, knowing this was the easiest way to get to know her, and at the same time she wouldn't let me leave this table until my food was gone. For some reason, she reminded me of my mom.


Dr. Lovato leaned back in her chair, "Okay so what do you want to know?"

I shrugged, "What are the rules?"

She looked up at the ceiling, "You have to take two full bites, and I can negate a question."

I nodded thoughtfully as I stabbed a piece of chicken. "What were you diagnosed with?"

"Bipolar disorder, depression, and anxiety disorder. But, I was classified as an alcoholic."

My eyes widened and she smiled grimly, "Eat up." I quickly took two bites and swallowed, trying not to wince as I felt it go down my throat.

When I finished I had my next question ready, "What is the reason you came to this place?"

She looked out the window, "When I was eighteen in high school, I was perfect, on the outside. I had perfect grades, perfect family, a ton of friends, and an amazing boyfriend. But I was in complete turmoil. I hated my body, and my friends were all fake. My family and Greg, were the only ones who supported me. So I got angry, and punched a girl that was spreading rumors about me."

I recoiled, "And they sent you to rehab?"

She shrugged, "I broke her jaw and cheekbone. It was either this, or jail time for assault."

My mouth fell open, "Wow."

Dr. Lovato grimaced, "Four bites, that was two questions." Rolling my eyes, I quickly chewed and swallowed the pieces of various food. We went back and forth, she told me her full name and about her family until there was roughly one bite left. "Why don't you like being called Demi? Or Demetria?" Her entire face changed, draining of color.

For a split second she was the most desperate, most depressed, and most terrified person I had ever seen. Then it was as if the mask was back, and she smiled, "Thats enough questions for today. Can you eat the last bit?"

Clearly, she was shaken up, so I forced the piece of chicken down my throat without protest.

"Good. Now I have your therapy schedule, group starts in fifteen minutes. She gave me an encouraging smile, "Try and make some friends."

I gave a short laugh,"Promoting the blind leading the blind? Crazy for crazy? Isn't that kind of a recipe for disaster?"

Dr. Lovato shrugged, "You'd be surprised how clearly some can see."


Group didn't suck as much as I thought it would. I mostly just sat quietly in the corner next to a girl who introduced herself as Jess. Neither of us spoke, until the staff member hosting the meeting prompted her with a question.

"Oh fuck off Karen." She snapped, and my jaw dropped, a small laugh blurting from my lips at the look on Karen's face. Jess smirked a bit and leaned back in her seat, crossing her arms tightly. We both sat like that until the end of the session, then I walked out.

"You're new right?" Came her voice as we trailed off to the other wing to the arts and music rooms.

"Uh, yeah. I'm guessing you're not?"

Jess chuckled, "Nah, don't think I'm that rude. Karen just pisses me off."

I cocked my head, "Should I watch out for her?"

She shook her head, "I doubt it, she already married my dad, yours should be safe."

I gasped, "Isn't that like, illegal?"

Jess shrugged, "I don't know. I just wish she wasn't such a cunt about it. She sees my dad more than me, he doesn't visit anymore. I guess it's because the real reason he used to come was to see her and now she gets to go home to him every night."


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