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Wilmer and I stood there, hugging, for a long time. I felt so small, wrapped up in his arms, but it was a good feeling; a safe feeling. Eventually, I felt his lips brush my hair and he pulled away, keeping his hands on my face.

"Can I ask you something?"

I smiled. "Yes."

Wilmer stroked my cheek gently. "Can I take you on a date?"

I bit my lip, and couldn't help but smiled when I looked up into his hopeful eyes. "Yes... I'd like that."

Our mouths got closer, and his minty breath washed over my face. "Can I ask you another question?"

I nodded, smiling as I draped my arms around his neck. "Yes."

His hands dropped to my waist. "Can I kiss you?"

A laugh escaped my mouth. "Thank you for asking this time... Yes. You can definitely kiss me."

So he did.

The second his lips touched mine, my entire body erupted into flames, and I gasped at the feeling, curving my body to press against his. Gradually, Wilmer pulled away and I kept my eyes closed for a second. When I opened them, he was staring down at me with wild eyes.


I smiled softly. "Yeah, wow." Wilmer leaned down, and I giggled as he kissed me, then sighed happily. "This is weird."

"What is?"

I shrugged. "I haven't laughed like that... or even kissed someone in so long it feels like a lifetime ago."

He cocked his head. "Really? I figured guys would be falling in line for you."

I smiled grimly. "It used to be like that, when I first started working here. It was insufferable. Dr. Connor was particularly persuasive. He still tries every now and then, even locked me in a closet with him until I kicked him in the crotch and called security." I shook my head. "It's died down though. They know I'm career focused... And that's all they need to know."

Wilmer chuckled. "Am I gonna have to beat anyone up?"

I smirked, and laughed. "Let's just get past the first date before I give you an official hit list."


The rest of my day went smoothly. I only got called for one 911, and Jessica was doing better since I had her food sealed and opened in front of her. Still, the cognitive therapist part was a challenge, trying to get her to eat unsealed food, so she could live a normal life, not one constantly fearing poison. Even Mia was already showing progress. Jess had agreed to look out for her, and show her the ropes, but I was still a little worried. It probably wasn't a good thing I was getting so attached to her, but I couldn't help it. She reminded me of my younger self so much it was almost scary. She was still adopting the whole 'fuck the world and everyone in it' attitude, but I could see right through it. I've done the 'fuck the world' route, and have seen it in hundreds of girls who came through my office. They all were just broken girls on the inside who wanted help, but were too damn proud to ask.


About an hour after I got home that night, there was a knock on my door. When I pulled it open, I immediately tried to shut it, but a foot stopped me. A voice, cold as ice, made my heart nearly stop.

"Hello Demetria."

"No." I whimpered. "This cannot be happening."

The door pushed all the way open from the larger force on the other side, and I automatically retreated, watching in horror as the one person who invoked the deepest fear possible in me, stepped into my home.

"Greg." I whispered. "How did you find me?"

He chuckled menacingly. "I told you I would. I promised, now we can be together again."

I took a deep breath. "Greg. You're not allowed to be near me. Don't you remember that?"

He rolled his eyes and stumbled closer, obviously intoxicated. This wasn't going to be pretty. "That doesn't count in you tell me I can be with you. And you want me here, right baby girl?"

I flinched at the sound of his old nickname for me, and swallowed hard. "No Greg, I don't want you here."

His entire expression changed, black fury rolling through his body. "What did you say to me?"

My hands began to tremble and I clenched them into fists. "Get out."

His hand flashed before I could even blink, and white hot pain erupted from the right side of my face. The force threw my to the ground. A kick, and my empty stomach dry-heaved from the pain. Hands came at my throat and I wheezed for air that didn't come.

"You wanna get rid of me bitch?! You want me to get out?!" He bellowed in my face.

My nails scratched at his hands and face, but soon black spots erupted in my vision.


Greg's body was thrown off of me as another body collided with the two of us. I turned onto my stomach and gasped for air, my head throbbing as I sobbed and crawled away to the kitchen. I made it to a closer, and curled into a ball after shutting the door, covering my ears so I didn't have to hear Greg beating up whoever had tried to save me. Eventually, it got quiet, and I opened my eyes slowly, taking my hands away from my ears as I sat up.


Heavy thuds that made me shrink back further into the closet filled with linens and table clothes. Light suddenly flooded back into the closet and I shielded my face, closing my eyes as whimpers escaped my lips.


I gasped my eyes flying open as I blindly crawled forward.



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