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As I got out of my car, I was confused to see Demi's front door wide open. I walked up, and the scene shocked me. A huge man was on top of her, his hands around her throat.

"HEY!" I yelled, and charged forward, tackling his off of her. His head hit the floor hard and he growled with anger, his first coming to hit my side. From my old martial arts and boxing days, I dodged it and my fist connected with his jaw, causing him to hit his head again and his mouth went slack. For good measure, I kicked him in the face, which clearly broke his nose, then stood up, breathing hard. I called 9-1-1 and gave them Demi's address, then walked to the hallway to find her. A closet off to the side caught my eye, and I opened the door, peering in and sighing with relief when I saw Demi was there. She was defensively covering her face and as stepped closer, a whimper came from her small, trembling form.


Her eyes opened with a gasp and she scrambled towards my voice as I dropped to my knees, reaching for her. As soon as she touched me, I pulled her close and held her tightly as she began to sob.

"Hey... Shh, it's okay. I've got you. You're okay. You're safe."

She pulled away abruptly and began to search my upper body, her hands fluttering uselessly. "Are you okay? Did he hurt you? Oh my God."

I raised my eyebrows. "You're asking me if I'm okay? Demi, I'm fine. I don't have a scratch on me."

Demi shook her head. "But he... he..."

I cupped her cheek. "He's unconscious."

Her mouth closed and she leaned into my palm. "Oh."

I put my arm around her. "How bad are you hurt?"

She sniffled and shrugged. "I'm fine."

I rolled my eyes and examined her bruised face. "Did he slap you or punch you?"

Demi dropped her gaze. "I uh... I don't really know. It happened so fast."

I gently put my hand on her stomach and felt her tense. "Did he kick you?"

I saw her teeth grit. "It's just a bruise. I'm fine."

She raised herself up and attempted to stand, but collapsed. I caught her before she hit the ground, and hooked one arm underneath her legs while the other went around her waist. I lifted her up easily and walked her head slumped against my shoulder. I walked into the living room and froze. The dude wasn't there. Demi's front door slammed shut and I clenched my jaw. She must've felt the tension in my body and looked up.

"What is it?"

I swallowed hard. "He's gone."

Her face went white and I set her on the couch. "Do you want me to get you anything?"

Demi shook her head. "Just ice."

I ran to the kitchen, got some frozen vegetables, and brought them back to her. "Can I see?"

She rolled her eyes, but lifted her shirt up a bit. It was obvious where the most damage was, evidence from a huge black and blue mark that was already forming. I placed the bag on the area as gently as possible, but she still flinched and jerked away.

"Shh... Don't move." I murmured, and took the other, smaller bag, placing it over her cheek. She relaxed, finally, and I took her hand, running my thumb over it in what I hoped was a soothing manner. Demi murmured something that I didn't catch and leaned in. "What?"

She took the bag away from her face and gave me somewhat of a smile. "Some first date, huh?"

I chuckled and nodded. "It's certainly a new one."

Her face grew serious. "I don't blame you for walking away right now. I'll give you a free pass."

I sighed and smiled as I shook my head. "Demi, you still don't get it, do you? I'm not going anywhere. I promise. I'm in this Dems. I don't care how complicated it gets."

She smiled softly. "Okay."

I leaned down. "Do your lips hurt?"

Demi giggled and her teeth sunk into her bottom lip. "Only a little."

I smirked. "Then we'll have to be extra careful."

As if she were made from glass, I kissed her, letting it grow with passion before pulling away.

"So did you know that guy?"

Demi froze. "It's uhm... complicated?"

I raised an eyebrow. "Good thing I like complicated."

She sighed heavily. "Wilmer I don't know if I'm ready to share this part of my life... I just-" Demi looked up into my eyes. "I can't... not yet. I'm sorry."

I nodded and rubbed her back. "I understand Demi, believe me I completely understand. I have skeletons in my closet too."

She looked down and rubbed her face. "No. You know what? He would've killed me without you."

"You don't have to-"

Demi looked up. "I want to Wilmer. I want to." She sat up a little straighter. "Greg was my boyfriend in high school. He knew about absolutely everything about me, he knows things that I've never told anyone else. One day before I went to treatment, we got in a fight, and he punched a hole in the wall... right next to my head. Then, he dropped to his knees and told me how sorry he was." She pulled her lips in and shook her head. "I was seventeen, and incredibly stupid."

I nodded. "You forgave him."

"I did." She grimaced. "I did. The next time we got in a fight he broke my wrist. I told the doctors I fell down the stairs... but he pushed me. Greg played the loving boyfriend well. Fast forward a year, and he was waiting for me when I got out of treatment. Another year... I was fed up with him and tried to leave, but he stabbed me in the stomach. Then he got arrested and the judge was sympathetic to him so he got probation and I got a restraining order against him. And now here we are." She finished quickly, as if the words were poison in her mouth.

At last, Demi met my gaze. I shook my head and wiped a tear what was sliding down her cheek. Just as I attempted to speak another voice interrupted me with a knock on the door.



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