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The police officers separated Wilmer and I from each other while we both answered questions. I understood, but it still make me anxious. I didn't know if he could tell them that I knew Greg, so I told them everything, and showed them the restraining order. After they did one last sweep of the house, Wilmer was, at last, allowed to go back to me. I knew he wanted to hug me, but I was grateful that he kept his distance. When they had all filed out, the detective glanced between Wilmer and I.

"Do you want us to keep a squad car outside? Or are you okay with him here?"

I glanced up at Wilmer. "Uhm... You can put a car out front. Thank you."

He nodded, and once he ducked out, Wilmer looked down at me. "It's late you should get some sleep."

I was instantly aware of how tired I was, and how comfortable the couch was. All of a sudden, I was off the couch and in his arms. He had scooped me up bridal style, as if I weighed ten pounds.

"Where's your room?"

I let my head fall on his shoulder. "Upstairs. Last door on the right."

I felt him shift my body as he walked up the stairs, and soon my back hit the soft bed.

"Okay Dems. Goodnight."

My hand gripped his shirt. "You're not leaving, are you?"

He sighed. "Not if you want me to stay."

I nodded slowly. "I want you to. Please."

As soon as he laid down, I rolled over and snuggled into his side.

"I'm sorry." I murmured after a few minutes.

"For what?"

I sat up on my elbow. "This is the weirdest first date ever. I mean, you barely know me, and now here we are, laying in my bed. What even is this?"

Wilmer chuckled. "You're right, this is the weirdest first date ever, but that's okay. I never really assumed we'd be normal." He paused. "I wanted to say thank you, for telling me about him. I know that must've been hard for you."

I shrugged. "Not with you... Everything is surprisingly easy when you're in the equation. Like right now, I would be crying myself to sleep, and scared to death of every sound in the dark. But with you... I'm safe. It's a weird feeling."

He reached over to put his hand on my neck. "That's all I want to do. I know you think this is weird, but I've been waiting for you for nine years. Nine years, and it feels amazing to be with you, like it's as easy as breathing."

I but my lip and leaned forward, kissing him deeply, letting go of everything as we fell back against the bed. But as soon as the kiss deepened, I pulled away and ran my fingers over his lips. "I don't wanna go too fast."

Wilmer nodded. "We can go however you want."


The next morning I woke up lying against Wilmer's chest, my arm around his waist and his hand trailing lightly up and down my back. I laid there for a couple seconds, then peeked up at him, blushing when I realized he was already looking at me.


He smiled back. "Hey."

I leaned up and kissed him, smiling against his lips before I pulled away. His expression pained as he stroked his fingers over my swollen cheek.

"You should call in sick today."

I sighed and grimaced. "That bad?"

He nodded. "It looks like someone beat the crap out of you."

I looked down. "Okay, can you give me a minute?"

He nodded and got up, walking into the bathroom while I pulled out my phone to call Olivia. Within a few moments, she answered.


"Olivia... I need you to take my patients today, please?"

"Sure. What's going on?"

I took a deep breath. "Greg came back last night. I took a few hits, but I'm okay."

"Jesus Christ, what the fuck?! I'm coming now."

I rubbed my face. "No. I'm fine, Liv it's okay. Wilmer... Uh, Wilmer got here in time and he stayed with me."

She sighed loudly. "Is he in jail."

I hesitated. "Not exactly... He ran out when Wilmer went to check on me." I could tell Olivia was still freaking out. "But don't worry about it. I'll be with Wilmer all day. I just need my patients taken care of."

"Definitely. Whatever you need I'll help you out and I'm sure I can find others too."

"Thank you so much. But Liv? Make sure Mia is in your care. I don't trust anyone else."

"No problem Dems. I'll see you tomorrow?"

I smiled as Wilmer peeked his head in. "Definitely. Love you."

"I love you too."

She hung up and I smiled widely at Wilmer. "I'm good."

He walled back over to where I sat on the bed. "Can I see your rib?"

I hesitated, forcing a smile. "Wilmer, who's the one who went to med school?"

He sighed. "Please?"

Slowly, I reached down and pulled my shirt up over my stomach. Wilmer leaned down and gently spread his hand over the spot where black and blue bruises covered my body.

"Jesus Demi." He breathed. "How bad does it hurt?"

I shrugged. "Just a little sore. That's all."

He rolled his eyes. "I really wish you wouldn't downplay everything."

I bit my lip. "Okay, it hurts like a bitch."

Wilmer raised an eyebrow. "Want me to kiss it?"

I giggled, fake pouting before I nodded. He kissed my stomach gently, then blew a raspberry on it, where I wasn't hurt, laughing as I shrieked and tried to push his head away.

"Wilmer! Stop it!" I yelled, rolling away from him as he laughed loudly, moving to lay next to me and pulling me on his chest. I smiled, biting my lip as he stroked my hair back.

"You're so beautiful."

I leaned into his hand. "I don't know what it is about you. Like when I'm around you I just feel so... happy."

Wilmer smiled. "You make me happy too... I kind of have a question though."

I raised my eyebrows. "And what's that?"

He kissed my fingertips. "What am I not allowed to call you? I mean I know he called you some thing that have to make your skin crawl so I want to make sure I don't do that."

I smiled and leaned up, kissing him deeply. "Thank you. No one has ever really asked me that before... Basically just Demetria is off-limits." I swallowed. "And baby girl."

He nodded and kissed me. "So what's one thing you want to be called? Something he never did?"

I sighed thoughtfully. "I mean... It's a little stupid, but 'Love' has always been something I liked. But really he only called me D, Demetria, and baby girl. Anything else is better than that. But Love, that would make me happy."

Wilmer slid his hand back to my cheek. "Then Love it is. I want to make you happy."


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