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They're dating.

They're fucking dating.

Of course my dad would go for my therapist. As I walked away from Dr. Lovato's office I wanted nothing more than to hit something, or to get away from this stupid treatment center. I didn't go to lunch, but eventually two nurses came in to get me. They didn't miss anything here, and it pissed me off more than it should have. I forced down some food, then was free to walk the grounds. As soon as I got onto the lawn Jessica was at my side.

"Something's wrong." She decided, after studying my face for a moment. "Do you want to talk about it?"

I sighed and shook my head. "I'm not really allowed to... At least I don't think I am."

Jessica just shrugged. "I know a lot of things I'm not supposed to know. You can trust me."

I took a deep breath in, then spilled out the words in one rush of air. "I think Dr. Lovato is dating my dad."

"Not possible." Jessica snorted and shook her head. "No way. Dr. Lovato doesn't date."

I lifted one eyebrow and looked at her. "Then how come I just heard them kissing in her office and telling each that they want a future together?"

Her eyes widened. "Holy shit, are you sure?"

"Yeah... I don't know what to do. I don't know how I'm supposed to feel. I mean... I want my dad to be happy, but I don't want him to stop loving my mom."

"I've had a lot of experience with dealing with death and watch people fall in love again." Jessica tilted her head. "My mom died too, and I watched my dad remarry. At first I was pissed... for a long time actually... Then I kind of had a reality check. It's not that people forget the person who is now gone... but it's like a new piece of your heart opens up or unlocks. You don't kick someone out of your heart, you make room. That's what happened with your dad... He made room for someone new. And Dr. Lovato is great. She's an amazing person, Mia, if she says she wants a future with your dad, then she does. People like her don't say things and not mean them."



"I don't think this is the way to Connors' old office." I said, following Neil Walker through various hallways.

"You are correct. Connors' office isn't suitable for a chief anymore. You see, Dr. Lvoato, I've followed your work for a very long time. You look out for your patients, and you're not self-interested. You've overcome a lot, and I think you will make an excellent chief. You had top grades at med school and when I called for reference, your professors told me you are one of the finest psychiatrists they've ever seen, and I agree with them. You have what it takes, Connors didn't."

"Thank you so much Mr. Walker."

He smiled warmly. "Call me Neil. You're on the board now, and you can consider me a friend."

I took a slow deep breath. "Mr. Walker... There's something you need to know before I take this job." I said firmly, my heart pounding at what I was about to do.

"And what's that?" He stopped outside a door to look at me.

"I'm romantically involved with a patient's father."

His eyes bulged in a way that would've been comical in other circumstances. "Are you out of your mind?!"

"I checked, and it's not unethical if it does not impact the patient's recovery. His daughter knows about us, and we've spoken about it. However, I can't take this job without you being aware of that."

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