the voice.

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When I went back on Instagram, I had comments saying "you aren't fat" and "you're already perfect" and shit like that. But I didn't believe them. I commented back "thanks." And tagged their usernames.

Suddenly, I heard my mom calling me.

I went out into the livingroom where my mom was sitting.

"Lily, can I talk to you?" She asked. Shit. Every time my mom asked that,I got really scared. Why? Because the previous school year, we had been at the beach and she'd seen the cuts on my arm.

"What is this?" She'd asked.

"The dog, um scratched me." I said.

"In five straight lines? Lily, are you cutting?" She asked. My eyes started filling with tears.

"Why?" She asked.

"Because I don't want to fucking move!" I screamed. I stood up out of the chair I'd been sitting in and ran off towards the water.

"Lily, we have to move! We can't stay here." She yelled at me. I stopped and walked back toward her.

"Well, mother, don't you think you should've atleast asked what I thought about this? Maybe asked if I wanted to move? Or does what I think, and feel, not matter?!" I said. She was quiet. "Well?!" I yelled.

"Just get out of my face." She said.

"Whatever." I stormed off and got into the truck and slammed the door.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I want you to eat." She said.

"But I'm not hungry."



"EAT!" She yelled. I flinched and sat down at the table. She placed a plate with a huge burger on it in front of me. The sight of it made my stomach growl, and feel like I wanted to puke at the same time. I picked it up and took a bite. It was deliciously awful. 'Just what your fat ass needs.' The Voice said. I shook my head and placed the burger on the plate. I started to scoot out my chair.

"Stay here until it's gone." She said. Then she turned and left. I watched her walk back into the livingroom and sit on the couch. 'Guess who's gonna have to purge tonight. What, you didn't think you could get away with eating this, did you? It's atleast 500 calories. As if. You're fat enough. So scarf it down, bitch. If you eat too slow you won't be able to puke it all up. What are you waiting for? Eat.' I started devouring the burger, the whole thing gone in a matter of minutes. I put my plate in the sink.

"There, I'm done, happy?" I said sarcastically to my mom. She didn't look at me. I sighed and headed for the bathroom.

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