2- Opposites Meet

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Percy's POV

As soon as we reached the hotel, I quickly ran to my room. I changed my leather jacket into a black hoodie, and slipped on a pair of black sunglasses. On the way out the door, I grabbed my notebook. I slowly walked out of the room and into the elevator. Quickly, I put the hood on, and walked to the front desk. The manager sent in guards to take care of the fans and paparazzi in the hotel's entrance. I pulled my glasses down, my sea-green eyes meets his.

"Can I have the keys for the back, please? I don't want to walk back in from the front," I asked.

"Of course, Mr. Jackson," He recognized me and slipped a small key onto my hand.

"Thanks," I walked away and found the back door, behind the laundry room. Sunlight immediately stung my eyes, as I walked out the door. I knew that there's a park close by. Golden Gate Park. Hopefully it isn't crowded.

Annabeth's POV

"Can you believe it?! Both of us are accepted into Goode. I expected for only one of us to get in!" Rachel said jumping up and down.

"Sssshhhh!" We turned our heads towards the librarian, who gave us a dirty look.

"Sorry!" Rachel whispered back.

"As much as I want to celebrate, I really want to read this book," I carefully skimmed through the bookshelves looking for the Architecture section. I stopped once I found the one that I wanted.

"We have two days left here, yet you want to read a book?!" Rachel followed me, carrying her sketchbook.

"Yeah, Helen and Dad have been busy with work lately, which gives me time for my own. Bobby and Matthew have been busy with sports. This is my free time." I picked out a book, and headed for the check-out station, with Rachel behind me. I scanned the book and swiped my library card. After that we went for the door.

"I better get going. I still need to pack my things," Rachel said.

"Oh, okay. By the way, Dad said he'll take both of us to the airport."

"Okay, thanks. See you on Sunday," with that Rachel left.

Me with my book in hand, walked away from the library and towards the busy streets. San Francisco is where I grew up. I remember that my mom- my real mom- would take me to Golden Gate Park, and we'd have our own spot. A single bench facing a small river. To the  left of the bench, there's a small bridge over the river. That place is my mom and I's secret. Ever since my parents divorced, that place was my refugee. I don't hate her, but I don't like her. I don't know whether to be mad or sad. Mixed feelings, I guess. She left us when I was 7 years old. Ever since then, she never bothered to get in touch with me. Guess she was disappointed with me. Now my mom is a successful architect, who made her own company and a name for herself in New York. Dad married Helen years later. Helen is a great stepmom. Helen treats me like her own, not like those evil stepmoms in those fairytales. My parents- real ones- are in good terms, at least that's what my dad said. She contacts her ex-husband but not her own daughter?! Bullshit.

Once I made my way through the streets, I reached Golden Gate Park. I walked towards the secret place. It's usually hidden from sight because of the willow trees blocking it. Normally, that place is empty. Now, a guy is sitting at the bench. He had his head down with his face in his hands and elbows resting on his knees. I don't want to bother him, but I really need to sit down at that spot. I walked towards him.

"Uh, sir? Do you mind if I sit down?" I asked uncertainly.

He looked up at me and our eyes met. Sea green eyes meets gray. He had the most intense eyes, I've ever seen. Black hair and sea green eyes. I took in his other features. Black, messy hair. Percy Jackson. The Percy Jackson sitting in a park. We've been staring at each other for too long. I broke the gaze and coughed. He broke of his gaze.

"Oh, um, uh, yeah, I mean no, you can sit down," Percy stuttered still looking dazed.

"Uh, thanks." I sat down on the edge of the bench. Ugh, I feel so awkward. Why did I insist on sitting down? He probably noticed how awkward it was because he started small talk.

"So... Nice weather, huh?" Percy awkwardly said.

"Sure is. That's why a superstar is casually spending his afternoon in a park," I said, glancing at him. Smiling to myself.

"I really thought you didn't know me," Percy said smiling. We now had our bodies turned towards each other.

"Are you kidding me?! Percy Jackson, who's a really famous celebrity. Do you really think I would be that oblivous?" Soon we started laughing. It's weird.  Why am I so comfortable with him?

"I didn't catch your name."

"Annabeth. Annabeth Chase." He extended his hand towards me and I shook it.

"You're the first," Percy said to me.
I whipped my head towards him to see him staring and smiling at me.

"What?" My laughter died.

"You're the first girl to not scream and hug the crap out of me. I'm guessing you're not a fan."

"Well, it's my honor. Better get used to it. I'm not a fan, but I'm not a hater."I totally forgot what I was here for: to read.

"Gee, thanks," Percy said, while running his hand through his hair.

"So... Why is the Percy Jackson in a park?"

"Oh, I wanted to take a walk. I came back from interviews," he shuffled around the bench.

"Ah...ok," we were met with silence... weird silence, but not uncomfortable. I started reading my book, while he wrote in a leather notebook. A few minutes later, Percy broke the silence.

"Do you wanna get something to eat and drink? The problem is... I don't know where. I always eat in the hotel," Percy said sheepishly.

I laughed, " Sure. I know a place around the corner." We stood up. I took my book off the bench. We left and walked towards the diner. We walked side by side. He was pretty tall, probably 6 feet. I was a couple inches shorter.

"Is it your first time here?" I asked.

"Yeah, pretty much," He said, his hands in his black hoodie. He panicked for a moment. He quickly put on his shades and hood on.

"Sorry, I can't be seen or recognized by anyone. They'll crowd me. It's nice to be normal." He glanced at me.

"It's fine. I understand. Normal, no. Reality, yes." We stopped in front of the diner. He opened the door for me.


"No problem." Percy smiled. I smiled back. Oh, boy.

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