36- Revelations

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Percy's POV

"Percy, what are you doing? Stop it," Calypso whispered. I dragged her out the cafeteria and into one of the empty hallways.

I held up the crumpled note she wrote. "What the hell is this? I don't understand you."

She put her hands on her hips and gave a smirk. "She deserved it. Rachel and I needed to show everyone how bad she is. She's an opportunist. A fake. A-"

"I don't need Rachel and your opinion on her. I know her better than you do, and what's written on this paper and a million more in her locker isn't true." My anger started to to grow. I glared at her. "Why are you like this? You've been bullied before. I thought you would know better."

She scoffed and ignored my question. "Percy, wake up! I'm just trying to prevent the inevitable. You're not living a fairytale or a soap opera."

I ignored her back. "Why don't you just tell everyone that Peter and I are one person? Instead of telling everyone what you think of her? You know the truth."

She looked at me, her eyes screamed desperately. All of this doesn't make any sense. I could tell she's trying very hard to make me see her point.

"I don't want to be that friend who destroys your privacy. I know you've always wanted to be normal." she whispered.

"And because of you and Rachel, I might not have a career anymore, and you're causing problems with Annabeth and I. If that was your main goal, then you win," I said, throwing my hands up.

"I'm just trying to protect you," she said. Her face contorted from disappointment to anger. "Annabeth just somehow shows up in your life, and both of you fell in love, blah, blah, blah. Those only exists in fairytales. It sounds too good to be true." She sighed. "The way you talk about her sounds like you'e known her for years. I've known you longer than she does, and you do too. You've always been my hero. The day you saved me from those bullies, was the day you've been my hero."

The truth came out, I realized. That's why she sounded desperate when she was telling me what she thought about Annabeth. She wanted me to believe her words because...

"So what? You're doing this out of jealousy?" I asked.

She looked at me with crazy eyes. "Yeah, maybe I am. What's wrong with that? I grew apart from you and from Piper, Hazel, Leo, everyone because of her."

"No. You chose to leave us. Annabeth did nothing to jeopardize our friendship. You did." I pointed at her. "You lost us. Annabeth lost Rachel, and Rachel lost her. Don't act like you're the only one in the world who has lost a friend."

Her face slowly turned into a mesh of confusion, regret, and anger. I guessed she didn't look at it that way. She looked at it as Annabeth had replaced her instead of leaving us.

It was eerily silent for a while. Soft murmurs from the cafeteria down the hall echoed like ghosts. I heard the click-clack of footsteps, and it sounded like it was coming this way. I took Calypso by her arm and gently tugged her to another empty hall.

Her head was down, and she played with her fingers. It was as if she was a child being scolded by an adult.

"Do you know how much Leo was sulking when you turned into one of those people? You should've seen the look on his face," I said, trying to get the old Calypso back. The Calypso before all this drama started. The Calypso I met on the staircase.

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