22- The Tour Guide

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Annabeth's POV

It was the next morning. 6:00 am to be exact. Don't ask me why I get up at 6:00 am on a Sunday. This is the time I usually wake up.

I stretched my arms and yawned. I took a quick shower and changed into new clothes: pants and a regular black and white shirt.

The fact that Aphrodite wanted me to be one of her models is very overwhelming. I've seen her shows on tv once, but I usually change it to a documentary. Me, the least qualified person to be a model, is in Aphrodite's show. I mean, my body is alright, but I wouldn't call it model-worthy. Piper is model-worthy. We're the same height and body type, but she's more confident with walking on a runway.

Anyways, I went downstairs and made myself breakfast: the usual bacon and eggs. Mom is already at work, leaving me alone with nothing to do. I don't see her that often, since she's always busy working on her new office building. Maybe I could make some more blueprints... But I already have way more than I should have. I could do some reading. I still need to get around to reading The Unexpected Everything.

Ring Riiiing

I laid my fork down, looked at my phone and it read:

I quickly pressed Accept, put it on speaker phone, and resumed eating my breakfast.

"Hello?" I answered. I heard cars honking at his end of the call.

"Good morning, Wisegirl. Meet me outside of the building at 7:30," Percy answered. I looked at the clock and it said 7:30.

What is he trying to do this time? I thought.

"But it's already 7:30-" I protested.

"Meet me outside," Percy responded and hung up. I groaned, but decided to do it. I finished my food and washed the plate and fork in the sink. After that, I went up my room to grab a gray hoodie and combat boots. Once I finished, I quickly grabbed a bag to put my phone and wallet and dashed down to the lobby.


I went out the building, trying to find Percy. It took a couple of minutes to find him, but he had his hoodie and glasses on. He leaned against a red pick-up truck.

"Percy?" I said unsure whether it was him or I was just making a fool out of myself. Luckily, it was him. He looked up and grinned.

"Hey, Wisegirl," He said.

"What's with the truck?" I pointed at the truck behind him.

"Oh, Frank told me that I can use it for the day. Besides, I almost had a few close calls with the media with my car," He said, slightly moving his glasses down, revealing a fraction of his stunning eyes.

"What are you doing here?" I asked suspiciously. Percy gave me a mischievous grin, and opened the door to the passenger side.

"We... Are going to tour part of New York!" Percy declared loudly, which made some people turn their heads towards us. 

A tour of New York at 7:30 in the morning?  I thought.

"Seaweed Brain..." I started to say, but Percy pulled me into the car. He closed the door and went inside the driver's side. He took off his sunglasses and smiled at me.

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