11- Shopping and Sleepover

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Annabeth's POV

"Oh no. No. No. No fucking way," Thalia talked to Piper.

So, let me catch you up. Since Peter has a beach house in Montauk, he's taking the entire gang over there for the weekend. Piper got too over excited and said that she'll take all the girls for shopping and sleepover the day before we go to Montauk.

Thalia took her backpack and lunch and stood up ready to leave.

"Oh come on! You keep on ditching us whenever Hazel and I plan these things!" Piper grabbed her arm and pulled Thalia back down to the cafeteria table.

"Well, can you blame me?!" Thalia yelled.

Everyone in the cafeteria is looking at us like we're some maniacs. Peter, Leo, Nico, Jason, Frank, and the Stolls are having way too much fun listening in and watching Thalia's reaction.

"Hey Thals! You should go with beauty queen. You could really use it," Leo jokingly said.

"Do you want to die, Valdez?" Thalia leaned closer to the table, where Leo sat across from her. He threw his hands up in surrender.

"Can you just do this for once? Even Annabeth agreed to it," Piper said. Jason wrapped his arm around Piper and smirked.

Correction. I didn't sign up for this, they forced me to do it. I am unwillingly going.

"Fine, I'll do it if Annabeth's doing it."

We all cheered. It's not everyday that Thalia goes out to shop and have a sleepover.

"Goodluck. Thalia will mostly be cranky," Peter said, right next to me. He was trying to finish his burger.

"We could use that. I don't want to be killed in my sleep," I said. He chuckled.


After school ended, Piper dropped us off at our houses one at a time. I packed my things. I needed my sunglasses, shorts, pajamas, shirts, camera, and my sanitary objects. It was still hot since it's October, so I didn't pack any pants. I didn't plan to anyway.  I would've chosen to swim in my shorts and shirt, but Piper "told" me that we'll buy swimsuits.

That girl is sweet most of the time, but don't get in her way when it's about fashion. She's like one of those vicious people during Black Friday.

Once everyone has gone to their houses and packed their things, we loaded our bags into the trunk. It was quite full. In the car, it was Piper on the driver's seat, Hazel on shotgun, and Thalia, Calypso, and I on the back.

As usual, Rachel can't come. She said something about a party. Ever since she haven't hung out with us, she became more... revealing? I mean, she doesn't dress like a slut, but her clothing style has gotten pretty showy. Not like her usual paint-splattered pants and a t-shirt. More like shorts and crop tops.

Anyways, Piper took us to the mall, which Thalia groaned at. Piper was the only one excited. Hazel, Calypso, and I were just neutral. Thalia was in pain.

We wandered around the mall with Piper leading the way. She dragged us into shops and made us try clothes on. We practically became her models.

She brought us to this one shop that sells a bunch of swimsuits.

"Pick a swimsuit and try it on," Piper ordered. We dispersed around the store.

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