8- Annabeth Finds Out?!

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Percy's POV

Oh my god. I'm screwed. I'm fucked. Right when I saw Annabeth's face, I thought she would recognize me in a heartbeat. She didn't. She doesn't know...yet. What if she does? What then? I must say, I played it really calm back there. I could be an actor! I should ask Grover on what he thinks. I could be the next Leonardo DiCaprio! Yes! I'm going to- Off topic. What am I saying?

Now, I'm casually walking towards my class. After the bell rang, everyone kind of separated, and left with another person. I saw the couples -Jason and Piper and Frank and Hazel- walking with each other towards their class. Thalia and Annabeth left together, and so did the Stolls, Leo, and Calypso, leaving me with Nico. Nico and I have our first period together. I didn't ask the others about their schedule. My schedule was:

Peter Johnson ID#: 18227
First Period: History
Second Period: Marine Biology
Third Period: Pre-calculus
Fourth Period: PE
Fifth Period: English
Sixth Period: Music

Nico and I walked to Mr. Brunner's History class. I've had him as a teacher during my freshman year. He's a great teacher. When I think of History, I would fall asleep instantly. Mr. Brunner's class is not as boring as you would think.

When Nico and I walked in the classroom, and found Jason, Leo, Calypso, and Annabeth. They were talking, and we decided to join them.
We talked for a while, when Mr. Brunner started to talk.

"Welcome to History. I'm Mr. Brunner, and I am your teacher, obviously. The seats you are in right now will not be your regular seat," he said. He went over classroom rules, the syllabus, and the other things you would usually talk about on the first day of school. We had extra time after talking about everything, so he gave us free time. I turned back towards the gang.

"Hey guys. So, I was thinking that we could spend a weekend in Montauk," I said. Mom and I own a beach house that my friends and I used to go to. Ever since I became busy as hell, we never went there again.

"Yes! It's been such a long time since we've been there. We need to do some catching up," Jason said. Everyone else agreed. I looked at Annabeth. She looked confused, and looked towards to me.

"So, what do you say, Annabeth. Are you in or are you out?" I looked eagerly towards her. I'm secretly hoping she would come with us, but the more time passed by, the more I lost hope.

"I would love to, Peter, but why did Jason say that you need to do some catching up?" she asked. I turned to Nico. He looked completely bored, and looked at me like he's saying You're on your own. I looked towards Calypso and Leo, but they suddenly grew interested in their notebooks. Lastly, I looked at Jason with pleading eyes, but he didn't respond.

"Um... I didn't go here last year. I went to another school last year, but I went here for freshman and sophomore year," I sighed, thankful for the quick excuse. Annabeth nodded and smiled at me.

"I can't wait," she said. The bell rang, and everyone hurried out.

My day went on normally. No one recognized me or gave me a suspicious look. Most of my teachers gave me a gleaming look that said Welcome back. It's so peaceful.

After PE, which I found out that Annabeth was in the same period as me, it was lunch.

"Hey, do you want to eat with us?" I asked her as I met up with her, outside of the girls' locker room (obviously, I'm not a pervert) . I thought talking to her as Peter would be awkward, but it went pretty smooth.

"Yeah, sure. I just have to go to my locker," she said.

"I'll walk with you," I said grinning. I find it cute -yes, I said cute- that she was a little bit shorter than me. Just under my nose. She looked up and smiled. I walked with her to her locker, which was right around the corner from my locker.

"Hey, do you have Rachel Dare in any of your classes? She's a red-head, has freckles, and green eyes," she asked, opening her locker. Rachel Dare...that name seems so familiar.

"Uh, no, I don't think so. I'll see in my fifth and sixth period. Why?" I asked, leaning against one of the lockers.

"I haven't seen her since we landed here from San Francisco. She can't have missed the first day of school. She was looking forward to today," she said. She had her eyebrows scrunched up.

"I'm sure she's here, we'll see. Wait... isn't Rachel Dare the daughter of the guy who owns Dare Company?" I realized. She closed her locker, and turned towards me.

"Yeah, why?"

"Nothing. I'm just curious. Anyway, ready to go?"

"Yeah, lead the way," she said. I walked to the cafeteria with her right next to me. I quickly found the table, and we sat down.

Annabeth's POV

I was starting to get worried. Where is Rachel? Peter must've noticed because he kept on asking me if I'm okay. He's sweet. I don't know... He's giving me a weird vibe, but not in a bad way.

I was casually eating, talking with everyone, when Calypso came running.

"Hey guys, sorry I was late. I just picked someone up," she said, and right behind her came Rachel.

"Rachel?!" I said, getting up and hugging her. "I was worried. I thought you skipped class!"

She laughed, "Oh, no. My dad's assistant's car broke down on the way here, so I went with him to the repair shop."

"You two know each other?" Calypso asked, twirling a strand of her hair around her finger.

"Yeah. I didn't know you two know each other either," I said. Everyone looked very confused.

"Our fathers are very good friends and business partners," Calypso said. "Oh, yeah. This is Rachel." She started introducing her to everyone. I returned to my seat between Thalia and Peter.

Peter nudged me by his elbow. "See. I told you she would be here," he smirked.

"Shut up," I smiled back. 

I'm sorry it's a shorter and crappier chapter than normal.
Do you guys think that the story is going too slow? Tell me if it is. I'll try to speed it up.

I love reading your comments. It helps me interact with you, and helps me know how to improve. Thank you for showing your love for this story.

Until next chapter.

-Brainy_dolphin <3

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