21- Aphrodite's Favor

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Percy's POV

I thought going to Piper and Aphrodite's house was worse. Guess I was very wrong. Going to Aphrodite's company building was way worse.

See, Piper called Annabeth and I to come to the headquarters of Aphrodite's Closet, Aphrodite's high-end clothing company. When Piper mentioned the words, come, building, and Aphrodite's Closet. I was ready to run into a ditch and never come out. Her store was like a Victoria's Secret, and I was like the boyfriend who refuses to go in and see things that would make me red for centuries.

So, I stood in front of the building, silently pep talking myself to have the courage to go in.

Okay, you can do this! It's just the headquarters! It's not the actual store! But what if they also have mannequins with lingeri-

"Percy, why are you standing there? Let's go in before people start realizing who you are," Annabeth said, dragging me off the sidewalk and into the doors of the sparkly and pink version of hell.

When we got through the doors, we were met with a humungous lobby with chairs. It looked like an ordinary office.

Oh, it's not that bad. No mannequins with ridiculous outfits, check. I'm good, I sighed with relief.

At the left side of the lobby were the receptionist, some wore pink jackets, others wore white. The lobby had a mixture of pink and white couches and chairs, black rugs, and white tables. There was a crystal chandelier hanging in the middle of the ceiling. At the right was a spiral staircase and behind it were a series of elevators.

Annabeth and I walked up to one of the receptionist.

"Hello! Oh my gods! Sorry, it's just... It's you. Percy Jackson. Sorry, I'm a huge fan. Can I have a picture?" the receptionist asked surprisingly. She fanned herself with her hands.

"Oh... Hi. Thank you. Sure," I awkwardly said. This was weird. It's been a while since I was referred as Percy Jackson, the singer.

The receptionist, whom I later found out name is Drew, gave Annabeth her phone to take the picture with. Annabeth's face was priceless! Haha! She took the picture and gave it back to Drew. Annabeth quickly asked Drew which floor and room to go to. Drew wiped off the smile off her face and told her the details monotoned.

We quickly made a dash for the elevator. At least, the lobby wasn't too crowded at the moment. We made our way to the room Drew told us to go to.

"Good! You guys are here!" Piper exclaimed. She ushered us to sit on a couch, and she sat across from us.

Beside me, Annabeth gave me a nervous look. I would do the same, but Aphrodite and a girl came bursting in the door, which made me jump. She scared the hell out of me!

"No, no, no! That outfit does not suit Cara!" Aphrodite screamed at the girl, but tried to calm herself down when she saw us sitting. "You know what, it's fine. I'll handle this later."

The girl left with a hurry. I can't blame her. I would run too, if Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty- as the media would call her- screamed at me about clothes.

"Sorry about that. The grand fashion show is next month, and I have so many things to take care of," Aphrodite explained, while waving her hand around.

"So... Why are we here again?" I asked.

"Oh yeah! I was wondering that maybe you two could do me a small favor," she said, emphasizing on the word small. I'm starting to get sketched out. I looked at Annabeth, and raised my eyebrows at her.

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