7- Brown Hair, Brown Eyes

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Percy's POV

Staring at myself in the mirror is the most weirdest thing I've ever done. 2 years ago, I would look at myself in the mirror as a superstar, holding my toothbrush as a mic. Now, I wish I was still wishing and not knowing the sacrifice that comes with it. Seeing myself now with the effects of stardom- baggy eyes, a smile that doesn't reach your eyes, and a face showing lack of sleep- it's lonely. Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful. I truly am, but I sacrificed privacy and freedom for what? Fame and money? No. I always told myself that I did this for Mom. To make her proud. To give her the life that she deserved. To not let her suffer from Smelly Gabe. To help her. Losing privacy and freedom was and still is worth it for her. Okay, this is getting cheesy. I need to stop.

"Percy! Nico and Thalia are here! Breakfast is ready!" Mom shouted from the kitchen. I quickly changed into my clothes: black pants, dark blue t-shirt, gray hoodie, and a pair of black Under Armour shoes. I opened the door just in time to see Thalia with her hand in a fist in the air, as if she was about to knock. Nico and Thalia looked up and down at me, not showing any form of happiness that I'm back. They are still the emotionless, emo cousins I remembered.

"You forgot something," Nico casually said. I started checking my pockets to see if my wallet and car keys was on me. I looked around my room, but it was pointless since it's so messy. What could I have forgotten?

Thalia smirked and answered for me, "You're not actually going to school as The Percy Jackson, right? You forgot your disguise, dumbass!"

"Oh! Right, thanks," I rushed into my bathroom and took out the disguise Grover gave me. Light brown hair wig. Brown eye contacts. Thalia and Nico helped me put it on as quickly as possible.

"Hold still! Damn it! Percy!" Thalia said, as she was trying to put in the contacts.

"Well, if you try to put it in my eye more gently than stabbing my eye, then maybe we would've been done by now!" I talked back. Nico was on the side, laughing his ass off. Thalia gently put the contacts in my eyes, and I blinked a couple of times to get used to it. Ugh.

"Where's Jason? I thought he was going to ride with us?" We walked out of my room and went inside the kitchen.

"Oh, he went to Piper's house. He'll give her a ride for today," Nico said. Piper is Jason's girlfriend. I nodded.

"Good morning, Mom," I said. I kissed her cheek, and went to the table to sit down with Thalia and Nico.

"Good morning, Percy," Mom said, flipping blue pancakes and placing them on plates. Thalia and Nico helped themselves, stuffing their mouths with pancakes. Mom looked me up an down, noticing my change in appearance. "You look pretty good, but I already miss your usual self," she said.

Once Thalia, Nico , and I finished our food. We said our "bye's" to my mom and headed towards the garage. In the garage, which was open, had three cars. Two of them belonged to Mom and I. One of them was Nico's, but he only parked it in there for now. Mine was a blue and black Corvette Stingray, while Mom had a white Chevrolet Cruze. Nico had a black Maserati GranTurismo. My family loved our cars. Thalia doesn't have one, but she's already starting to pick her car.

"Um... Which car?" Nico asked. He always preferred to use his car instead of mine because he'd rather drive.

"Your car, but I call shotgun," I said, glaring towards Thalia. She'd always steal shotgun, forcing me to sit at the back. She glared right back.

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