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Albert was back to work. He needed to act fast if he wants to save their hotel business. He examined the files and found out that their guests are transferring to other hotels that are cheaper than theirs.

They are losing 25% of their regular guests.

"We have to do something. This is not good. Why did mom never tells me about this?" Albert sighed.

"That is why your uncle told me to name the letter like what we did. Your mom seemed to lost hope," Derrick commented.

"Find out the latest trends in other hotels. Also, examine their food menu. I want to change everything here. Also, see if we can lower our rates a bit but still give a good, NO, best service no other hotel can."

"I am on it, boss," Derrick said.


Derrick thought of Kevin as the person who can help him with his assignment. Kevin agreed to the idea and told Derrick to meet-up with him at Melanie's store.

"And can you please tell me why you have to meet up with your "friend" in my store?" Melanie asked. "Don't you have a shop to look after?"

"My men can do them for me, Mel, that is why I am the boss," Kevin told her.

"Whatever. No funny business here, Kev."

Melanie went back to tending the kitchen. It didn't take long before Kevin's friend arrived at the store. Derrick and Kevin greeted each other.

"Who owns this place?" Derrick asked.

"My best friend Melanie owns this food heaven. Wait a sec. I'll call her so you 2 can meet each other," Kevin exclaimed. "Choose what you want to eat first. It'll be my treat."

"Yo, Mel, come here a bit. My friend is here. I want to introduce you to him."

"Hang on, I'm cooking something. By the way, Ana and Bella are coming. Wait for them, ok?"

"Sure, Mel."

Kevin saw Derrick admiring each and every detail of the design of the store. Everything is light and relaxing. HE suddenly thought of Albert and he is so very sure that he will like the place.

"A friend of ours did the entire interior design. She is the best in her craft," Kevin said.

"Everything is modern and class. I think I might need her with the plan my boss is doing. Anyway, that is why I am here. I need your help, bro."

"Tell me. I'll help you if I can," Kevin said.

"You can. My boss has been in the US for 7 years and he want to compete back to the hotel business. The business is in jeopardy if he can keep up with the trends."

"What should we do then?"

"A survey on what is hot in the hotel business. And also with the food. He wants to see if he can drop our rate a bit but make sure we still earn. Something like that."

"I can take you to hotel and restaurants around the cty. Me and my friends know our way around the city even when our eyes are closed."

"Pfft, Stop saying nonsense, Kevin," Ana yelled from somewhere.

Kevin introduced Derrick to An and Bella. Then, Melanie came with food.

This will be a long day.

MY LOVE, MY KISS, MY HEART (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now