Uke!Naruto x Male!Seme!reader

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"I'm home" you said and dropped your groceries naruto told you to buy after your long day at work.

You heard no respond. You started to worry. You placed your keys on the kitchen table. You headed to the shared bedroom and saw something you couldn't believe.

Naruto was there hugging a pillow of sebastian and drooling on it with his butt in the air.

You smirked and walked over to naruto and spanked him. "WHAT!!!" he screamed more like yelping. He looked at you and blushed a red rose.

"Where's my kiss?" you asked. Everytime you come from work he usually gave you a kiss. Naruto blushed and got out of bed and stood up on his tippy-toes and kissed your cheek.

You smiled and admired at your trophy. Naruto has been wearing your shirt that is too big for him one side goes to his left and his right you could see his shoulder blade. And his sweat pants and his messy blonde hair.

You wrapped your arm around naruto's waist and kissed him passionately. You felt him freeze but kiss back. You moved your hand up and down naruto's chest you could feel him get excited.

You smirked and pulled away. "We'll continue after dinner" you said. Naruto blushed and rushed to make dinner. You chuckled. You got changed and went to take a shower.

After the shower you went to change again and get ready to eat dinner.

You went to the kitchen and naruto served both of you two. You ate in silence. Naruto sat besides you. He kissed your cheek and ate. You stopped for a minute. Naruto never kissed you without a warning.

You thought about it but forgot about it.

1 hour later
After you guys finished eating you went to wash your plate. You saw naruto getting excited and he was jumping everywhere. "Naruto are you OK?" you asked. He looked right into your eyes.

Oh god those beautiful ocean blue eyes. He shook his head. He hugged you from the waist. You thought this scene was so cute. You smiled and patted his head.

He went to you guys room and locked it. You got confused but comtinued to clean the dishes.

You finished cleaning and went to your room and suprisingly it was open. You opened the door and saw naruto wrapped in a bow covering his parts and with cat ears and tail. He was blushing red but a sound came out.

"Meow~" he said and eyed smiled at you. You couldn't help but get a boner of how cute this was.

You jumped on naruto and locked the door. You kissed him everywhere. You took his bow out. Naruto couldn't stop blushing. You kissed him and shoved your tongue in. He moaned loudly. You smirked.


You kept grinding with him. Naruto kept moaning. You moved away from his mouth to his neck. You bit it and licked it marking him yours. Naruto placed his finger in his mouth from preventing more moans.

You moved down to his nipples and kissed them and moved down town. "Pl-please~" naruto moaned. You smirked. You took your clothes off and firmly placed your hand on his member. He yelped and shaked more.

You placed your mouth on his member and licked it. He started to shake. You bopped your head up and down. You did this until you felt naruto twitch. "Y/n i-im close~" he moaned. You kept bopping and naruto screamed and felt something sweet spring in your mouth.

You took out his member and swallowed everything and licked him clean. Now naruto was a mess. He was panting and blushing.

You smiled and took him and slowly you entered him. When your tip just when in naruto was screaming.

You went all in. Naruto looked like he was in heaven and you smiled. You let naruto bounce up and down. You felt yourself come close. "Just a-a little longer" you moaned out.

"NARUTO!!" you screamed and came inside naruto. Naruto screamed too. He came too. You two were panting.

"Round-d 2?" you asked naruto. He smiled at you and laid back with you. "Y-yeah" he said.

You smiled. "I love you" you said. He smiled and started to tear up. "You ok?" you asked getting up with him. He looked down and hugged you by the waist. "I love you too" he cried and hugged you more tighter.

You sighed happily and rubbed his back. He calmed down and blushed again and looked straight to your eyes again. "Round 2?" he asked.

You nodded. You safely pushed him to the bed so his back was on the bed. You entered him.

He blushed and moaned again. You kept going in and then pushing hard. "F-faster...harder~" naruto moaned out. You nodded and got faster and hit him on a spot that made naruto scream.

You smirked and kept hitting that spot. You could feel your self close. Naruto had his tongue out and had drool coming out. And his eyes rolled of how good it felt.

You placed your arms around naruto's head and got deeper. Naruto screamed more. The pleasure you were feeling was amazing. Is like you were in heaven.

You grabed naruto's leg and placed it on your shoulder to go more deep. Now naruto screamed more than you made him. You kept pushing in more and you came. You screamed and naruto screamed with you.

Some cum came out of how much you had. You panted and came out of naruto and fell on naruto. You moved to the side and placing naruto on top of you.

Naruto smiled at you and kissed you. You took his tail and ears out and shuffled his hair. He blushed and hugged you.

You pulled the covers over you guys and let naruto sleep on top of you.

Hinata will be mad of not getting the papers done by tommorow. You shrugged it off and kissed naruto's forehead. "Love you" you said and he smiled and fell asleep.

Sakura and others were questioning why couldn't naruto wall straight for a whole week. Oh well they will never know.

So this is my first yaoi one shot. I hope you enjoyed of course i did. Bara bum. No ok. T^T anyways if you want to request of course you can. Pm me the story or just do it on the comment box down bellow.

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