Seme!Sasuke x Uke!Male!Reader

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I remembered the days me and sasuke spent. I remember the way his face looked like when i told him i was in loved with him. His blank face.

I remember me trying to tell him not to leave konoha and I'll do anything for him. I touched my head and i could still feel the stitches.

I sighed. I was laying in my bed thinking of sasuke. He was the only one I loved.

I heard sakura open my door. She peaked in and sat down next to me. "How are you doing?" she asked.

"The usual" i firmly said. Sakura and the rest of the rookies know my love for sasuke but the first one to know was sakura because she's my bff. :D

Anyways sakura sighed and opened her mouth but shut it. "What?" i asked sitting up. She looked unsure. I gave her my please-tell-me eyes.

"Well if you love sasuke so much why won't you like go find him" she consisted. I jumped up but then sat back down. "What if he doesn't want to see me?"

Sakura looked confused and placed her head on her knuckle. "Well who wouldn't want to see...well you" she said trying to bring my spirit up. I squinted my eyes and playfully glared at her.

She put her hands up in defense. I smiled a tiny one. Sakura is the only one who sees my real smile, the others don't they only see my fake smile.

Anyways I thought about going after sasuke and tell him my dying love for him, but what if he has a girlfriend instead. My head was spinning of confusion and heart mind couldn't process and- "calm down y/n your all sweaty" sakura said while shaking me from my shoulders.

"Huh?!" I screamed getting out of my worrying mind. She stared at me and laughed awkwardly. "Well?" she asked. At first I was confused but then I understood. I nodded at her.

She smiled and said "your doing the right thing bro" she said playfully shoving me to get up and pack. I laughed with her then she left so I can pack.

I took out my ninja bag and inside I put my favorite kutana because maybe sasuke will fight with me. Next I packed some food I'll get hungry on the way.
Next I packed my anbu mask because I don't want him knowing I'm after him.

1 hour later

When I finished saying good byes to my friends, but the hardest good bye was to Sakura. I saw her eyes give in and let steaming hot tears run down her face.

I bit my lip to not cry. She ran to me and hugged me from my waist.

I hugger her too as tight as she hugged me. She kept crying and I rubbed circles in her back.

After a while she stopped crying and let go of me. I took off my necklace my mother gave me. It had a silver heart and inside of it it has a Sakura tree picture. Around the frame it had little stars.

I took Sakura's hand and opened it and firmly placed it on her hand and closed it.

"It means a lot to me, so now I give it to you" I told her. She nodded and sniffed. I closed eyed smiled at her. I looked at the sky it looked like it would be dark soon.

I nodded at my friends and they nodded.

I left to find sasuke. That was my mission. And tell him about my dying love for him.

I sighed and closed my eyes. I let the wind push my messy brown hair freely.

I placed my fingers in a ninja sign. Then I got a lot of chakra to my feet. I then opened my eyes and ran out the konohas gates.

I ran and dodged some enemy attacks. I got to tired running so I jumped branch by branch.

1 hour later

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