Seme!Shikamaru X Uke!Dying!Male! reader

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This is IRL meaning in real life so yeah just wanted to clear that up!

Another dreadful day at the highschool. I stood up and yawned and stretched. I look towards my arms and thighs. I signed looking at the fresh and old scars that I leave now and then. I looked towards my desk and saw my most used razor. It was rusty of how old it was. I started cutting at age 12. My father died when I was 10 and my mother became alcoholic and slept with men from now and then and she still does.

I sighed and got up to change to my school uniform. It was just a simple white shirt and some navy pants and brown shoes.

I looked myself at the mirror and I had my usual bags under my eyes. I sighed and just ran my fingers through my hair and got my backpack and left without eating or studying. And yes I did brush my teeth as usual.

My walk to the highschool is just 10 minutes from my house. The gates open and I see students go in. I did my normal routine. Lower my head, ignore the insults, wait to get pushed or beaten, and then just head to class and repeat it every day. Wonder why I cut myself.

I went inside and instead of lowering my head I went straight towards my locker and got the stuff I needed and headed towards the closest bathrooms. I went to a stall and sat criss cross apple sauce on the top toilet seat.

I took my razor from my pocket and started to cut in my same pattern. I felt tears go down my face while I did. I heard the door open and heard a familiar sigh.

I gasped and sat quietly.

"Y/n? Are you in here?" He asked. I stayed quiet until the door of the stall opened and revealed a shocked Shikamaru standing there. I still had tears and my razor pressed against my arm. He quickly grabbed it and went to the bathroom next to me.

"Wh-hat are you doi-ing?! That's the only one I-I have on me at the time!" I screamed at him trying to pry him from flushing it. "Really y/n! That's all you care about!" He yelled. He flushed it down and looked at me.

"Why y/n?!" He asked. I just stood there. And responded with "because it helps me hide from reality" he stared at me and hugged me tight. I just started to sob even more. "You don't know how mad I am!" He said.

He pulled away and grabbed me from my shoulders and stared at me with his normal bored eyes with my red eyes with tears threatened to spill with a light pink blush towards my cheeks.

"Promise me something y/n..." He said. I looked away avoiding his dark brown eyes. "Y/n!" He screamed at me and I closed my eyes tight. "Promise you won't" he said. I looked at him and he had a blush onto his cheeks. He leaned in and kissed my cheek.

I brought my hand to my cheek and blushed. "Wh-hy did y-y-" I stuttered. He sighed and was about to leave but said "liked you since the first day I saw your dorky smile" and he chuckled and left. I stood there frozen of what just happened.

I left the bathroom and headed towards my class when I got a foot on front of me and I tripped over. My backpack opened revealing my manga books and my books for class. "Haha! You saw that!" One of my bullies said. I got up but got pushed back down by a foot onto my back.

"Hi there y/n!" I recognized as Ben. One of my worst bullies of my other ones. I hissed at the pain got up with much force I had and got my stuff quickly but not quick enough and Ben got hold of my head and threw it to the wall. I fell down and felt blood trickle down my forehead and felt some on my lips as well.

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