Shikamaru Seme! x Uke! Male! reader

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Shikamaru walked down the hallways and in coincidence bumped into his one and only, y/n.

"Get out my way wuss" y/n said pushing Shikamaru, not pushing him far as y/n is 4'10

Shikamaru laughed but stopped himself. 'He's my enemy! Don't smile at him!' Shikas inner self told him.

He shrugged then walked to his class and sat at the front. Most people like the back but he likes math so he can clear his mind about stuff.

The teacher came in and half the class groaned but he kept quiet. Teacher greeted them and smiled.


Shikamaru finished the work sheet and got the extra credit just for fun. He finished that in less then 10 minutes.

He then sat back and finished the other sheets people dropped off on his deks. Yes, these people are dumb.

He finished them then walked around throwing fake crumbled paper to the people, thanking him with money.

He smiled how much he just made with simple math. Around 30$ bucks. He smiled and when the bell ranged he hurried everything on his backpack and ran out the door.

He couldn't help it but he liked y/n, even though they were enemies he doesn't know how they became enemies in the first place.


Shikamaru ran to school hair a mess and tear stained cheeks. He walked in a slow pace to have time to ready up.

He then saw his best friend talking to this new kid. He was rather small and had a small fragile figure. He had (h/c) locks and really nice (e/c).

He walked to them and the boy looked at him rather for a long time. He waved his hand and the boy looked away in shyness.

"Who's this?" Shikamaru asked choji(?) and he Smiled. Then the boy looked away while choji introduced him to Shikamaru.

"Oh y/n that's a nice name for a handsome man" he said and y/n blushed and started walking away with a red blush on his cheeks.

"What's the matter with him?" Shikamaru said not with a concern face. Choji sighed and whispered into his ear. "He's gay"

Shikamaru then stood shocked at the news of the new kid. Sure he looked cute and little but he didn't look like gay (not to offend others).

Choji told him that he got bullied by others since kinder because he looked like a girl. Shikamaru suddenly felt bad to him.

Then they both caught up to him and told about themselves. Shikamaru went first and y/n looked very interested.

Choji introduced but he didn't look really interesting not to be rude.

They all three walked to their assigned classes and Shikamaru got y/n also in his reading class. He sat next to him.

"So you are gay right? I'll dig it" Shikamaru said winking making a flirtation with y/n.

Y/n took it as an insult and scoffed. "You don't have to be rude and all. you don't have to sit with me!" Y/n bursted standing up and pushing Shikamaru out of his seat.

"Damn!" The whole class said laughing at Shikamaru. But he didn't want to be humiliated do he got up and dusted himself off and lunged at y/n.

Both were choking and punching each other. Y/n got on top and accidentally sat straight at Shikamaru's Dick. Shikamaru whined a little but then pushed him off and started choking him turning him purple.

The teacher finally overheard from her headphones and shoved people off from the chanting and pulled them both off of each other.

"Leave now!" She said and pushed them off the classroom.

Shikamaru cleared his throat and pulled his hair back as he covered his purple neck. Y/n did the same.

"Don't talk to me. Let's lie about this alright" y/n said with a harsh tone. And Shikamaru smirked and nodded.

He rubbed y/n hair and left to go to the bathroom with y/n following behind.

They both sat opposite sides and used their phones. They put a timer until class almost needed to get their stuff.

It was silent until y/n started sobbing. Shikamaru stared at him as he sobbed into his sweater paws.

Shikamaru felt bad so he crawled to him and hugged him and then y/n started choking him AGAIN.

"Got damn it stop it! What did I do?!" Shikamaru asked then they started fighting once again.

They left with purple bruises everywhere and also with a detention.

After that day they haven't been nice to each other and choji caught on that his best friend might have something for the new kid.


"Hey choji wanna eat at the tree?"

He nodded but asked if y/n could join them. Shikamaru shrugged but secretly smiled. 'Finally I'll try to talk to him'

Y/n was walking outside then saw where choji sat he smiled and walked faster and clenching his box.

Then he saw that Shikamaru was leaning on the tree with a lollipop laughing with choji.

Y/n glared at him with piercing eyes and Shikamaru felt eyes at his skull and looked and saw y/n.

Somehow both began to blush at the sudden eye contact.

Choji smiled and got up. "I'll let you guys clear some stuff! Don't mind if I do!" He grabbed most of the food and left to eat with Ino.

Yaq/n sat down and looked at his fingers. He rather has chubby small fingers (JIMIN).

Shikamaru smiled then grabbed y/ns hand and intertwined their fingers together.

"Let's stop this stupid rivalry. Why are you mad at me anyways?" Shikamaru asked him and y/n looked away and smiled at how his hands became sweaty.

"Because I liked you.." He said and Shikamaru smiled. "I like you too you fool!" Shikamaru said showing his soft side. Y/n let out the breath he was holding in. 

"So this means we are together?" Shikamaru asked and y/n nodded as he laid his head at shikas neck but then straddled his waist and hugged him.

He smiled and patted y/ns butt. He let out a little yell and shika smiled.

"I love you, idiot"

guess who decides to update this fuck me up. Also its really late and shit. I haven't had enough sleep and my mind is crazy. Might take days off. Please understand. Byeee

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