Seme! Teacher! Reader x Uke!Kiba fluff

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Hello people who are reading this.. I'm Mr. Sinep. I am a science teacher at the High school. I am known to be the youngest male teacher in our district. I am 22 and a half.

I have a lot of fun teaching kids everything I know. I'm one of those teachers that would let you have your cellphone in class, sit with your friends, and only tells you to quiet down like once or twice.

No wonder I won a trophy for best teacher. I might be impressive, but if you piss me off, I'll piss you off as well.

I know most things about behavior around the high school age gap. I'm no noob at this school things. People getting pregnant left and right, breakups, stress between the human race and as well really dark aura.

A lot of depressed humans around the high school, so me being the coolest teacher, spend my afternoon as a counselor to help the kids.

I help with depression, stress, break ups, and also one-mom families.

I mostly just do questioning but not the lame ones like "how are you?" Or "Did you eat today" no.

I ask "Do you ever wonder how life would be without you in it?" Like those questions that fuck you up in the head.

And in the middle of the sessions, I give free time meaning there's this table with coloring books and fruit snacks, also the code to this schools WiFi. Hunhunhun

Anyways you will be able to do anything for thirty minutes.  Then when the timer finishes we go back to the sessions.

I will probably give some yoga exercises. Just to calm the senses in the human brain.

When I finish every meeting I will have this bowl at my desk with treats, such as lollipops, snickers, Hershey,etc.

So yeah I guess I'm really a 'lit' teacher

I headed to my first class of the calendar day Monday at August of the third year xx at 0:07:43 current location: second staircase east. To location: classroom number (666)

I headed to the class when I noticed some kids doing some kind of witchcraft. They were all like some kind of mannequins in the hallways.

I immediately slipped my phone out and recorded five seconds of it until I told them to go to class.

I entered my class and everyone were on their assigned seats. "Good morning lovely people" I said and every girl in the class laughed and giggled. I happened to know that I'm the most crushed on teacher (⌒▽⌒)
But I'm gay. Really gay. No I don't wear my hair in a ponytail. No I don't have my nails done differently every week.

Well the last one is true but still.

I smiled at their reaction and set down my backpack and took out my laptop and connected it with the Promethean board.

"What do you guys wanna watch today?" I asked the class and they all erupted like a volcano with suggestion.

"Hold up!" I said with excitement as well. I grabbed a nearby loose leaf paper and asked someone to come around and write what movie and how many votes.

While that was happening I took the attendance and noticed Kiba wasn't here. He is my favorite student and more than just a student. He's 19 he was bact tract because his grades were low. I told the teachers pet to watch the kids while I go search for him.

I went towards the men's bathroom hearing some really weird noises.

I being the nosy person I am, stayed for a second to hear something else and I did.

"Fuck Mr-si-inep~"

I froze I immediately went in and knocked on the door stall.


I asked the person in there gasped and kept quiet.

"Open up. Do you need help on something?" I asked nicely and the door opened and Kiba was in there with his pee pee out his boxers and I couldn't seem to look away.

My face and ears were hot and kiba's cheeks were rosy pink.

"Yes I need your help teach" he said pointing to his pee pee. Me being a fucking horny dog listened and pushed him down the seat and he leaned his neck back to the wall.

I kneeled down to his pee pee and I kissed the top and he immediately covered his moan with his hand.


I kept licking the sides of his pee pee with my moist tongue. He bucked his hips up and I took that as a hint to take him all in .

And I did

I took him all in and I almost gagged at its length.

I shoved it all in then took it out and repeated it all. His hand went to my hair in a ball grip. His moans filling the bathroom.

The smell of sweat.

My pants became tighter the second I kept sucking his pee pee. I fluttered my eyes and slipped it out my lips.

He lifted my head and kissed me right onto my lips. My heart and stomach made front flips on my chest. The kiss was everything. How his hands are right onto the back to my neck. My hands onto his lap to obtain myself from falling.

We pulled away and leaned our foreheads together.

We smiled at each other and cleaned up.

We headed to the class and everyone was everywhere. Chairs here and there. Some kind of 'vines' in the screen. Everyone snapchatting.

"Oka okay everything back or no more phones in my class" I said sternly and they scattered to put back the stuff.

I looked back at Kiba and he smiled at me.

Someone date me pls
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