Chapter 12: What Happened?

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I fell to the ground, laying there and suddenly everything went darker, darker until... Nothing.

I knew I had been shot once I fell too the ground. I didn't know who shot me or how it happened... But when I hit the ground, it started getting darker and as it did so, I herd more gun shots. Everything was ringing and felt in slow motion. And as the gunshots rang out, everything got darker until finally, nothing.

I didn't completely wake up, my eyes were closed, I tried too pen them but I couldn't. The pain was still agony... it was still awful... So much pain I could hardly stand it... But then I could here James's voice... He was talking to Charlie.

"I can't believe what happened" Charlie said with a sigh.

"Your telling me!" James sounded mad and upset. "One second we were inside counting our cans, laughing and talking... And we walked out... She turns to say something too me and BAM... She was shot!... If you saw the look in her eyes, she looked so shocked... and scared... And none of us could do a thing!! We shou-" James continued but was cut off.

"Hey, this wasn't your or anyone's fault.. The only fault here is the guy who pulled the trigger... But he's dead now James... Thanks to you... You killed him, we picked her up and ran back too the house... Any longer and she might have been dead-" Charlie explained but then was cut off by James.

"Look at her! She's bleeding out! We don't even know if she's gonna be okay..." James trailed off at the end.

Charlie sighed. "Wanna watch her" he said getting up. "Yeah" James responded.

 "I'm sorry Alex, I'm sorry this happened to you... When it happened... Your turned to say something to me, you had a smile on your face... And then the shot rang out... We all panicked but... You didn't even realize you were shot until you looked down... And then... The look in your eyes... So much pain... Like it just hit you so suddenly... You fell to your knees... and after a moment... You screamed... Like.. Like it was the most painful thing.... But then, you fell.... You fell.. And closed your eyes... None of us even knew what was totally happening... It was so sudden..." James sighed replaying it in his head.

Suddenly his talking started to fade... it got softer until it was gone... and then there was nothing... But silence and darkness.

I woke... slowly... At first I could just feel pain... Nothing but pain. But then... I could feel James's hand resting on my limp hand that was draped over my chest. Then I could hear Charlie and Ashton talking to each other, they sounded upset. But then... I tried to open my eyes... And this time they did.

It was so bright when I opened my eyes, it was raining outside... I blinked a few times to adapt to the light. I quickly noticed where I was, I was in my room... In my bed, under the covers like nothing ever happened. But then I saw Charlie and Ashton arguing on one side of the room. I turned my head slightly to James, who was sitting on my bed holding my hand with ne hand and his face buried in his other hand. I moved the hand that was in his to tell him I was awake. He immediately looked out of his hand and at me. "Alex! Don't do that again please..." He said hugging me gently and carefully, not to hurt me.  

"What get shot?" I asked with a slight smirk.

"Yeah that" He laughed silently.

Charlie and Ashton rushed over to my bed side. I tried to smile, but then I was reminded f why I was in bed and why I had been out for so long. I groaned softly in pain, picking my head off my pillow. I breathed in hard as my head fell back down. I removed the blankets just down to my waist to see my blood soaked shirt.

"I did what I could too help it... The bullet went straight through... You were lucky about that...." Charlie explained.

"You were shot on your side, inline with you belly button, all the way too your left... You just missed the organs" Charlie continued.

I nodded in response, I was in far to much pain to say a word...

"I'm guessing you might want to know what happened, huh?" Ashton asked me.

I nodded slightly. Even know I had the description from James a bit ago... I didn't want him to know I knew I herd him.

"Well... You walked out in front... You started to turn around to say something, but then... A guy was sniping from behind a van in the parking lot. His bullet hit you and went right through... You hit the ground on your knees, You screamed and then hit the ground... Just collapsed. We rushed to you, but your eyes were closed now.... I saw the sniper and headed too him. James fallowed and Charlie took your side. James and I walked at him ... and then James shot him in the head.... A perfect shot. As soon as he was down they ran too you, picked you up and carried you home.... Once home Charlie stitched you up... And that it..."  Ashton explained.

I sighed and nodded again. I was drenched in sweat, my shirt was bloody, my hair a mess... And I was still in extreme pain. "Good too know" I said.

"We also disinfected it with the some of the supplies today.... And gave you some Tylenol... Hopefully it will help a little.... I also bandaged you up... We laid a change of clothes for you too" Charlie explained.

"Thank you" I said in a raspy voice.... That was all I could muster... I had no energy... No relief... Nothing but pain...

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