Chapter 9

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Chapter 9:

Harry's P.O.V:

I was confused as to why she was standing under MY girlfriends balcony. I started to shake, she was my worst ex-girlfriend EVER!!! "Harry, what are you doing with 'Her'?" I was about to jump off this balcony and yell at her. She has NO right to be here! "I am staying with Jordain." She made this weird gaging noise that sounded like she was alien.

She was definitely annoying as you can tell! "You still didn't answer my question harryyyy!!" She drug out my name. Ugh, I hate her soooo much. "Um, do you have any right to be here, because surely I didn't invite you and Harry SURELY didn't invite you either." Thank you,Jordain for getting me out of that situation. It's not like I wanted to be mean to Taylor it was just that she got on my nerves. Every time I would go out or try to hang out with the boys she would follow me or Cling to me. Ugh, I can't stand girls who are clingy. Jordain isn't one of those girls. She likes to do her own things, like when she goes shopping and I ask to go with her, she sometimes says yes if she has had a bad day. Sometimes she'll just want to go by herself, so I let her but the house gets kinda lonely without her. I love her laugh, her smile, her beautiful hair that I always play with, and her giggle makes me go weak at the knees. I love when she doesn't notice I am standing behind her and she is singing while she is doing the dishes. She has a lovely voice. One day i am going to bring her in the studio to sing to uncle Simon. He would love her!

She is truly perfect in my eyes. I got pulled out of my thoughts by someone turning me around and kissing my lips. I opened my eyes and she had blonde hair. Um, this is not Jordain. Jordain has perfect smooth lips, not caked lipstick lips like Taylor! I pulled away as fast as I can and looked around for Jordain. I saw her standing right in front of me and Taylor. Oh, no this can not be good. She left a little bit ago to go grab the telephone because it was ringing, she must have just got back. "Jordain, it's not....." I was cut off "No, Harry. It looks exactly what it looks like. You making out with a bitch!" She screamed and stormed off. I tore Taylor off of me she stumbled a little and fell. I tried to keep in my laughter but failed to.

I started running. I needed to catch up with Jordain to tell her the whole story. I saw her 20 feet ahead of me running as fast as her legs can make her run. I started to run, I didn't even know I can run this fast. I finally caught up to her and grabbed her wrist.

Jordain's P.O.V:

I didn't want to see what was going on. My vision was blurry and I just wanted to die. The person that I trusted, I cared for, and I loved....wait did I love Harry? Yes, I did. What am I thinking? I was too caught up in the moment. I was seeing the love of my life kissing Mrs. Goodie too shoes, Taylor swift. Ugh, how I hate her. I started walking backwards towards the door.

I dropped the telephone, Liam was on the phone. He needed some advice on what to get Danielle for her birthday.When I dropped the phone Harry flinched and turned to me, i screamed at him and then I was running out of the door, down the road. Everything was happening so fast. I just needed to get away from all of this. I knew I wasn't good enough for Harry.

He wanted a model, or someone perfect. I wasn't ANY of that. I started running faster, I just couldn't take it any more. I loved Harry, Didn't he see that? Then he goes and shatters my heart to pieces. I turned the corner and stopped for a little, I needed to catch my breath. I looked and Harry was at the driveway looking for me. His eyes landed on mine, I started to take off running, so did he. I didn't want to talk,see, or be around him anymore. It felt as if my heart was ripped out. Maybe I fell for Harry a little too fast but by the looks of it, he didn't love me as much as I love him.

I felt a hand grip my wrist, I knew who it was. He turned me around and engulfed me in a big hug. I didn't hug back. He could have hugged a rock and there wouldn't be a difference. He pulled away and for some reason I didn't want him too. "Jordain, let me explain.....please babe!" I didn't answer, I just nodded. Maybe I need to hear him out. "She kissed ME. I pulled away but she kept pulling towards her. When I finally had the balls too push her off because I didn't want to hurt her, you were standing there in shock. I felt my heart drop when I saw your face. I just wanted to punch Taylor in the face because she made me hurt you, Jordain. I love you soooo much. I don't even think you know how much you mean to me. If you left me I would probably have to be put in a mental hospital because i would be sooo depressed without you. I CAN'T live without you Jordain. I need you in my life. Forever and ever!"

Harry's P.O.V:

I just expressed all my feelings to her. I saw a single tear run down her cheek. I walk closer and wipe it off and she grabs my shirt and presses her lips on mine. This kiss wasn't dirty or sloppy like when we were 'DOING IT'. It was filled with passion and love. I grabbed her hips and made her jump on me. I pulled away and she was making pouty face. "I love you Harry." OMG, she loves me back!!! Totally fangirling inside!! Ok, styles you need to calm down! Say I love you back! You better mean it too, wait am I talking to myself. Yep....."I love you sooo much Jordain!" She jumped down and intertwined our fingers and started walking back to the house. As we were walking I saw Taylor speed out of the driveway in her BMW. She turned and went up the hill. Bye bye stupid. I pulled Jordain in closer and started walking slower. I wanted this moment to last forever.....with her in my arms......

(A.N. sorry guys, I haven't updated in soo long. I tried to make this chapter longer and have more drama going on! I had writers block for along time but then I got and idea and started writing it.. Hope you guys like it!!)

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