Bilbo & Frodo's Birthday Party

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1 year later

   You wander around the shire looking for Frodo, but can't find him anywhere, so you figure he's probably up a tree or something. You walk towards a tree, and see Frodo sitting against it, reading a book.
"There you are, I've been looking everywhere for you."  You say as you sit next to him.
"I was just sitting here, getting away from everything, waiting for Gandalf. So what did you need me for?"  He asks, looking innocently at you with his big blue eyes, you just about melted at how cute he was. 
"Well, I was looking for you to ask what you would like for your birthday." 
He thinks long and hard.
"I don't want much, just to spend the whole day with you." He smiles cutely at you then looks back down at his book.
After a while you finally find the words to say.
"Well, I can manage that, come on." 
You get up and offer a hand to Frodo, he grabs it and stands up. You both walk over to a small stream and sit down and just talk.

It's been hours and you both have been just sitting around talking, there's only two hours left until the party begins. You both head home to get changed and plan to meet at the party. Once at your hobbit hole, you put on a beautiful big blue dress and fix your hair before heading out.  You arrive at the party and everyone's there, laughing, dancing, eating, having fun...  You spot Frodo and walk over and stand next to him. He turns and looks up at you, nearly falling off his seat.
"Wow, y/n you l-look beautiful."  He says as gets up.
"You really think so? Thanks."  You reply blushing, and look down, hoping he didn't notice.
"Do you want to dance?"  He asks, and before you can reply, grabs your hand and brings you into the crowd and starts dancing. 
After what seemed like a thousand songs, you both sit down, Frodo takes you by the hand and leads you up a valley. You're both sitting there, admiring the stars and how beautiful the night is. Frodo looks at you, as you turn your head to look at him, gazing into his blue eyes. He leans in closer to kiss you, and, "BOOM!"  A firework explodes. You both jump back, startled by it, you silently curse the fireworks because they had stopped Frodo and you from kissing. You both look down where the party is and see that Bilbo is about to give his speech.

You both quickly run down the hill and join the crowd, both sitting silently next to each other, listing to Bilbo, and, "poof!"  He disappears into thin air. You're left sitting there in shock, blinking rapidly over and over again, not believing what you just saw. You look to Frodo, the only person not that shocked, he tells one of the hobbits to keep the wine going around and looks down at you.
"I'm sorry y/n, I have to go. I'll see you tomorrow, today was fun, thank you." He smiles and quickly plants a kiss on your check, and takes off to his hobbit hole.
You're left sitting alone, wondering what just happened. You touch where he kissed you and smile, after a couple of minutes you decide to leave. You walk up to the valley where you and Frodo were, before the fireworks, and just sit down and admire the stars.

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