Leaving And Returning Home

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One Week Later

You and Frodo are walking back to your house, after going on a date together in the fields, you reach your house and Frodo turns to you.
"So I'll come back later for supper." He smiles then kisses you.
You smile back at him and he takes off to his home. A couple hours later you start to make super, you hear a knock on your door and you yell for them to come in. Frodo walks in and smiles at you. He sets the table as you finish making super, you both spend the entire time talking as you eat. After supper, Frodo helps you clean up and you both then sit down and start to talk some more, until there's a knock on the door. Frodo gets up and opens it, there's a letter. He comes back over and hands it to you, you gasp and cover your mouth in disbelief as you read over the words, the letter slowly dropping to the floor. Frodo quickly picks it up and reads it, looking at you in horror and hugs you.
"I'll have to leave, my aunt is sick, so I must go help her. But I don't know how long I'll be gone for."
Frodo looks sadly at you as your gaze fails to meet his.
"When will you go?"
"I must go immediately, this letter is urgent." You reply, going to your room and finding a bag to put all your clothes in, Frodo helps pack all the other necessary things. You both run outside, he saddles one of Merry's ponies for you.
"Come with me." You say, looking into his eyes, not wanting to leave.
"I wish I could, but I have to wait for Gandalf to return, I hope you understand." His eyes are pained, and you nod.
He kisses you one last time, you both knowing this was going to be the last time you saw each other in a long time.
"Goodbye my love!" You shout back at him as your pony takes off.
Frodo just stands there, sad and alone, already missing you.

By the time you reach the village the sun has already risen, morning has arrived. You tie the pony to a pole so he won't escape, then take your bags and walk up to the house, knocking on the door. You're greeted by your aunt who happily hugs you.
"Oh my dear, I'm so happy to see you, I thought you wouldn't come."
You smile at her, still pained about having to leave.
"Of course I would come."
After getting settled in, you make her some soup to eat. She then asks how you've been and what your new house is, you tell her everything that's happened since you first got there, leaving out what Sam, Merry, and Pippin told you, and a few other bits here and there. You go into your room and you fix everything up. Later that night you find that you can't sleep at all, or the following week after, all you could think about is how much you miss Frodo.

------ 10 years later ------

You wake up that morning only to find your aunt dead, you plan for and have the funeral, soon after, you sell her house. As you pack your things and get ready to return and see Frodo, you can't help but be a bit happy and excited, despite all the sadness and grievance. As night rolls around you saddle the pony and take off towards home. After hours of riding, you finally arrive, the sun was barley rising, you ride past your house and head to Merry's to return his pony. You then take off running to Frodo's hobbit hole, heart beating faster than ever, could nearly leap out your chest, you don't stop until you reach the door. You stop, bending over, hands on your knees as you catch your breath, before straightening yourself out. You take in the big round door infront of you, admiring its beauty, and without another second you begin knocking, not stopping until the door's been opened.
Frodo opens the door, still half asleep, hair messy, sticking out all over the place and he's still in pajamas, yawning. You giggle and basically jump him, hugging tightly onto him, nearly falling over. It's still too early and he hasn't processed everything, he's confused about what's going on. He looks down at you as you continue to hold on, he gasps not believing it was actually you.
"Y/n!" He exclaims.
He picks you up and twirls you around, finally putting you down and kissing you, you both pull away after a while, out of breath.
"Is it really you?"  
"Yes, I'm finally back, and I'm not going anywhere anymore."
He looks at you and smiles, kissing you again. "I can't believe you're finally back." He says excitedly.
You both go inside and sit on the couch, you lie your head on his shoulder, feeling safe and overjoyed with happiness. You soon and up failing asleep, a content smile painted on your face, you were so tired, you've been riding for the past two days straight. He looks down at you and realizes you're sleeping, he smiles and kisses your forehead. Then picks you up and walks to his room, lying you on the bed, crawling over next to you and ygong to sleep as well.

You woke up and saw that Frodo was sleeping beside you, you smiled to yourself, you were so happy to be home. You looked outside the window and saw that it was raining, you smiled and thought to yourself that this was perfect, because you loved the rain. You slowly crawled out of bed, making sure not to wake up Frodo, then you walked over to the kitchen and started making breakfast. You enjoyed the sound of rain, you heard a thud coming from the bedroom, then you saw Frodo run out of his room and straight towards you, when he saw that you where there he stopped and let out a sigh of relive. "What happened?" You asked walking over to him, he looked at you and said a little shyly, "I-i thought that you weren't really here, and that I imagined you coming back, since when I woke up you weren't there." He looked down to the floor then back at you, "I'm here, and I'm not going anywhere, it's just when I woke up you were still asleep, and you looked so cute so I didn't want to wake you up. Now let's go eat, I made breakfast." You said smiling at him, "so tell me everything that happened while I was gone." You said while you both walked to the table and sat across from each other and started eating.

There was a loud boom, that the lightning made, and Frodo nearly jumped out of his seat, you giggled a little and asked, "what happened? Scared of a little thunder and lightning?" He looked at you and said, "yes in a matter of fact, I do not like it, and I may be a little scared of it too..." You chuckled and got up and sat next to him and said, "don't worry the thunder won't get you, you'll be safe here." Frodo smiled at you and said, "Well, when I'm with you I'm not scared, so I guess I'll just have to spend the whole day inside by your side." You smiled at him and replied, "sounds good with me." You both got up and cleaned the table and put away the plates, you saw that the thunder and lightning had stopped, but it was still raining. You convinced Frodo of going out into the rain with you, so you both put on a coat and went outside. You stared chasing each other until you and Frodo slipped and went roiling down a hill, at the bottom of the hill you both looked at each other and started laughing, both of you where covered in mud. Frodo then helped you up and you both started walking back to his hobbit hole holding hands.

As soon as you both got inside there was the sound of thunder rumbling, "I guess we made it back right in time." You said giggling , Frodo just looked at you a little frightened, and you started laughing, thinking how cute he looks covered in mud and frightened. You went to take a bath as Frodo went into the kitchen to make dinner, after you were done and had put on some clothes you went into the kitchen and started to set the table, as Frodo went to take a bath. About 10 min later Frodo was ready and joined you to eat, after finishing dinner you and Frodo cleaned the table. Then you both went to Frodo's room to look for blankets because it was cold. "Hmm... What's this?" You asked picking up a box, "oh that's the box where I put every letter you sent to me, I'd stay up every night reading them, thinking about you... Well I found the blankets." He replied looking at you, you smiled and put the box down then walked over to where he was standing and kissed him. Then you both walked back to the living room and rapped yourselves in blankets and sat down by the fire right next to each other. You lay your head on his shoulder, and as an other bolt of lighting struck Frodo jumped a little and you chuckled. "I'm so glad to be home, this is so perfect, I couldn't ask for anything more." You said smiling looking at the fire." Frodo looked down at you and smiled, he was also glad that you were home, and even more happier that he was with you again.
I'm currently fixing up the chapters, I'm not yet done with this one or the next, so please bear with me as I work to try and fix up all the mistakes and make it better. Thank you.

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