Being With Frodo

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It was still raining the next morning, you slowly opened your eyes and saw that you were laying next to Frodo, with your head on his chest. You slowly sat up, not waking him up, and looked at how cute he looked when he was sleeping, then you walked over to a window and looked outside, the rain looked like it got heavier, and it also looked like there would be a storm soon. You smiled to yourself, it was getting colder so you went to find some more blankets, when you came back into the room it looked darker. Out the window you saw that there were a lot of dark clouds, there was a rumbling and a flash of lightning struck down and then there was a loud "boom!" Frodo quickly jumped up in fear, you looked at him and started to laugh, "well... I guess I'll make breakfast today" he said slowly, walking to the kitchen, you set down the blankets and followed him. "Looks like there's going to be a storm. Lots of lightning and thunder" you said teasingly, he glared at you and you started to laugh again. You sat down on a chair and waited until breakfast was ready, Frodo set down the plates and you both started eating. "It gets pretty lonely here.. Maybe, if you like... Y-you can move in." He said, you put down your fork and looked at him, "really?" You asked, "yah, really" he responded looking at you, you smiled and got up and hugged him, "yes, I would like it very much!" You said excitedly, he smiled and kissed you.

~~~~~ Later in the afternoon ~~~~~~

You were pacing back and forth in the living room
"We can play a game to pass the time." You said stopping looking at Frodo, he was sitting in a corner reading a book, he slowly put down his book and looked up at you, "I thought you liked the rain." He said, "yes, I do, but we can't go outside, and there's nothing to do in here, so let's play a game!" You replied, pacing again, "ok, ok, only if you would stop walking back and forth." He said, "deal! Thank you!" You said excitedly, you went to where he was sitting and sat down in front of him, looking into his beautiful blue eyes. "So what type of game did you have in mind?" He asked, "hide in seek?" You replied, asking him, "ok, that's fine with me. I'll count first" He responded getting up then helping you get up. You ran into the bathroom and hid on the bathtub, ducking so he wouldn't see you. While Frodo was facing the wall, covering his eyes, and counting to 25. You both played for what seemed like hours, until the rain finally started to stop. Frodo looked out the window and smiled, he grabbed your hand, opened the door, and started to run out, you had no choice but to run along with him. He toke you to the same tree he had showed you all those years ago, where you watched the sun rise together. He climbed up then helped you up, you sat next to him and leaned your head on his chest, everything was still wet but you didn't mind, everything seemed so perfect, you didn't want this moment to ever end. You both watched as the sun set, Frodo looked down at you and smiled, you looked back up at him and smiled back, "remember the first time I brought you here, and said that I've seen prettier? Well I meant you, your the most amazing Hobbit I've ever met, I can't imagine my life without you." He looked deeply into your eyes and you starred right back into his blue eyes and he continued, "y/n I love you, more than anyone, thank you for coming a week earlier and knocking at my uncle's hobbit hole." You smiled and replied, "I love you too, and you're welcome." Frodo then kissed you and he put his arm around your shoulders, and you leaned your head back on his chest, and you both looked up at the sky, at the twinkling stars in the dark night, dancing and shining down upon Middle Earth.

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