Under The Stars

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You wake up the next morning and hear a knock on your door, you get up and open the door to see Sam standing there.
"Sam? What are you doing here?"  You ask, confused.
"Everything will be explained when Pippin and Merry get here, now may I come in?"
"Pippin?! Merry?!"  You ask, even more confused, and move out of the way, gesturing for Sam to come in, thinking about whats going on.
You go to your room and get changed, while Sam makes some breakfast. There's another knock on your door and you hear Sam yell,
"I'll get it." 
After getting dressed you sit down and join Sam, Pippin, and Merry and you all eat breakfast. All three of them start explaining to you what Sam overheard Gandalf say to Frodo last night, after Bilbo disappeared, and about the one ring that Frodo now has, and that they worry that one of these days Frodo might take off and go after Bilbo, and leave the shire and never come back.  You stare at all three of them and get up, telling them to leave.
"You know you all sound completely ridiculous."  You say, pushing them out the door,
"But y/n, we're telling the tru-" Pippin says, as you cut him off and slam the door on their faces. 
You sit down and think about how ridiculous that all sounded, but the more you think, the more it seemed less and less ridiculous and made more sense, and the possibility that it could be all true, and then you started to worry if Frodo would actually leave the shire.

You decide that you need some fresh air, grabbing your favorite book and heading outside. You find the perfect spot to sit down, it was right next to a small stream covered by trees, making perfect shade for you.  You put your feet in the water and lean against the trunk of a tree, listening to the wind blowing the leaves, and the sound of the small stream rushing down. You then open your book and start reading, some time had gone by before you looked up from your book and saw that it was already midday. Just as you were getting up you bumped into Frodo, not seeing where you were going, and just as you were about to fall into the stream, Frodo grabs you by the waist and pulls you towards him, saving you from falling in the water. You were pressed against him, your hands pushing on his chest, as he was still holding on to you. He looks down at you, staring into your eyes, you stare back, feeling his breath on your neck, due to you both being so close together.
"Hi. I guess I caught you right in time." He says, still looking at you with a cute smile on his face.
You freeze in place, thinking of what to say.
"Hi. Yeah, thank you."  You blush a little and look down.
He finally releases you and you both take a step back.
"So, um I've been meaning to ask you, about, last night."  You begin, "what happened to your uncle?"
"Oh. That's, right, yeah, it was just a trick, I don't know how he did it."  He says, looking down.
You realize he doesn't want to talk about, so instead you walk up to him and plant a kiss on his cheek.
"That was for saving me." You smile at him. You bend down and pick up your book from the ground then turn around and start to walk towards your home.

Frodo smiles and runs up to you, he grabs your arm and gently pulls you back, making you face him, he grabs you by the waist and pulls you closer, cupping your face in his hands, and kissing you lightly, then more patiently. 
"You're welcome." He says, letting go of your face.
You both smile and hold hands, intertwining your fingers, and walking silently back to your hobbit hole, both smiling happily. When you reach your house Frodo takes your hand and kisses it, you both say goodbye and he leaves to his home as you go inside your own.

Hours later you hear a knock on your door, you open it and see Frodo standing there holding flowers, you smile and take them and he comes inside.
"I want to take you somewhere, to finish what I was trying to do the other day, before we got interrupted." He looks at you.
You smile and tell him to give you a second. You go inside your room and get dressed.  You're both walking to the hill, under the star filled night sky, you finally reach the top and you both sit down. You're gazing up at the stars, Frodo looks at you and you look at him. He leans in closer and kisses you, you smile and lay your head on his shoulder.  Later, you both lie down on the grass and cuddle as you continue to look at the stars. But soon, you're both fast asleep.

Frodo's gently shaking you, telling you that it's morning. You slowly open your eyes and see that you're still outside, and then slowly start to realise that you both fell asleep last night under the stars. Frodo helps you up and walks you to your house.
"Do you want to come over later for luncheon at my house?" He asks.
"Yeah." You replied with a smile.
He leaves and you go inside to take a shower and get ready.  After getting ready you go outside and walk over to Frodo's hobbit hole, you knock on the door and are greeted by him smiling as he tells you to come inside. You both sit at the table and start to eat.
"So Is he really gone?"  You ask looking at Frodo.
"Yeah, he left, I don't know to where though."
He looks at you.
You'll see him again, don't worry." You say with a reassuring smile.
He smiles back at you.
"Can you promise me that you won't leave like he did? Without telling anyone?"  You ask, looking a little worried as you stare deep into his blue eyes.
He looks at you then down at his plate, not replying.
"Frodo?"  Your voice filled with worry.
He looks at you. "I'm sorry, but I can't promise you that. But I can promise you that I'm not going anywhere right now."
He gets up and starts cleaninh the table, you thelp him. Afterwards, he walks you to the door and you both say goodbye.

You walk home thinking, feeling a bit sad and worried, once you reach your hobbit hole you go inside and get ready. You then go and sit on the chair in front of the fire, staring into the flames as you think about what Frodo meant when he said he wasn't going anywhere right now. The house was silent, there was not a sound to be heard, you can't take the silence anymore. You get up and just decide to go to bed, except it's impossible to sleep, all you can think about is what Sam, Pippin and Merry had said about Frodo taking off and leaving like Bilbo did. You decide that you'd go talk to Sam one of these days, and with that, you finally fall asleep.

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