Going On A Picnic

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   You and Frodo spent the next six days together going all around the shire, but finally your home was ready. Frodo had decided that he would walk you to your new house. Before leaving, you thank Bilbo for everything.
"So I've been meaning to ask you. Why did you move here?" Frodo walks beside you. "I don't mean it offensively, it's not a bad think, I'm glad you did." He looks down to the ground, a light blush on his face.
You look at him and giggle, then sigh as you look on ahead. "Well my parents had just died a couple weeks ago, in a fire. I just had to move, because everything back home reminded me of them."
"Oh. I'm sorry, I didn't know."
You smile politely. "No it's okay, it's all in the past now."
You both walk in silence for the rest of the way. "Well here it is." You say with a sigh.
"You know you're welcome back anytime, my uncle said you can always stop by whenever you like." Frodo smiles.
"Thank you."
You both remain silent, just staring at each other.
"Well, Goodbye then." Frodo says first. "Goodbye." You stand there, watching as he walks back home, before going into yours and start fixing things up.

A couple weeks had passed, you and Frodo would still keep in touch, always talking every once in a while.
Early one morning a knock can be heard as you get up to open it. Much to your surprise, it was Frodo.
"Hi y/n."  He says with a big smile.
You can tell he's a bit nervous.
"Hi Frodo."  You smile back.
"So I was wondering if you wanted to go to the valley and have a picnic with me, since it's been some time since we last talked?" His gaze is fixated on the ground as he fidgets with his fingers behind his back.
"I'd love too." A smile painted on your face. "Great! I'll meet you there in an hour."  He says cheerfully, leaving down the path to his home.
You go back into your house to get ready. You put on a pretty, not too plain nor fancy, green dress on and sit down, reading until it was time.

You finally arrive at the top of the valley where Frodo is.
"Hey, I'm glad you could make it."  He smiles, his big bright blue eyes shining, which made your stomach swarm with butterflies.
"Of course I would make it." You smile back.  You both ate and talked for what seemed like hours.  You were both lying on your backs staring up at the sky, when Frodo rolls over on his elbows, right next to you and looks down at you.
"Follow me, I want to show you something."  He quickly hops up and helps you to your feet. He takes off running in the direction of the woods, you pull up your dress and run after him. After running for about what seemed like hours, he stops, and as you came closer you also stop, right beside him.

Frodo takes your hand and goes into the forest, you followinh behind him.
"Where are we going?" You ask him. 
After a couple of minutes he stops and turns around to look at you.
"We're here." 
You look past him and gasp at how pretty the sight was. You were both standing in front of a beautiful small river that ran down the hills, it was surround by pretty green vines and tall trees, filled with rocks and stones. Frodo sits on a long log next to the river, motioning for you to sit next to him. You both put your feet in the nice crystal clear cool water.
"Wow this place is so pretty."  You say, looking at him.
"Yeah, I found it one day while I was walking around. No one else but Bilbo, and now you, knows about this place."  He replys, looking down at the water.
"But why show it to me?"
He looks up into your eyes.
"Because I trust you, and you're my friend, and I also really like you." 
You were surprised, but quickly dismiss the thought and just assume that he probably meant he really likes you as a friend. He looks back down into the water.
"I really like you too."
He raises his head to look at you.
"You do?"
You nod. "Yes. Whether you meant it as merely just friends, or more than that."

"Well, we better get going, its getting late."  Frodo gets off the log, and you both silently walk back to the valley, cleaning up the food once you arrive.  Frodo then walks you back to your house.
"I had fun today."  He smiles at you.
"I did too." You reply, smiling back at him.  You go inside and get ready for bed, except you couldn't sleep at all, because you had stayed up all night trying to figure out what he meant when he said he really liked you.

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